Huawei OptiX OSN8800 OSN9800 for sale

Huawei OptiX OSN8800 OSN9800 for sale
Huawei TN58NS4T65 NS4 in stock
Qty 5 units 90% off list price
100Gbit/s Line Service Processing Board
Metro SDFEC2 wDCM Coherent Tunable 50GHz
Huawei OptiX OSN 9800 U32
Line and Tributary Board
100G Line Service Processing Board

03023HCL TN13STG
03022QGW TN54STG
03020NSD TN52STI
03021KQX TN96EOW
03030MEH TN52XCM02
03021QRG TNV1EFI01
03032UCC TNU5N401C01
03032YVV TN13C1CFPT50
03031FGJ TNU3N401T61 100G
Transponder and SFP
TNU3N401T61 100G
S0011982 OptiX OSN 9800 U32
02113851 TNVB1RACK01
21011792 TNVBFRACK01
02300753 TNVK1AFB01
03030QYY TNU1CTU01
82600676 NSDSXC800G01
Line and Tributary Board
03031FGJ TNU3N401T61 100G
03031SKK TN98N402S51
Platform Main Equipment
Platform Rack
02114127 TN1B8RACK04
21070330 SSTB0FRAME03
02115332 TNGB1RACK
02301153 TNGK1AFB01
02300799 TNVK2AFB01
Common Unit
03031KXD TN97OPM801
03031QDG TN97ITL04
03030PPU TN12OLP04
Multiplexer Unit
03031QDY TN97D4801
03031QEA TN97D4802
03031QDT TN97M48V01
03031QDX TN97M48V02
Amplifier Unit
03031QDN TN97OAU202
03031RGL TN97RPC01
03031QDW TN97ASE
03031RGH TN51RPC03
03031TWN TN51HBA01
03031WUT TN97ERPC01
03031RGQ TN51ROP01
02312HXL TN59NS4C01
Dispersion Compensation Module
03030LPT TN11DCU11
Transponder and SFP
03031YHA TNV3T404
03031YXX TNV3T210
34061019 OSN010N14
34061042 OSX010N13
25030101 C1025BL00
25030432 C1025BK00
25030431 C1025YG00
02310QSB FIU2201-1U-E2000
S4025644 F000S6E01
S4025643 F0S4E2L01
S4024281 F000FSL00
Huawei TNU3N402T53
02113851 TNVB1RACK01
21011792 TNVBFRACK01
02300753 TNVK1AFB01
03030QYY TNU1CTU01
03032YEQ N404
82600676 NSDSXC800G01
82600677 NSDSXC1D6T02
82600678 NSDSXC3D2T01
03032AFQ TNU2N402PT51
03031PLA TNU2N402PT52
03031XDS TNU1N402PT53
03031JLY TNU1N401PT53
03031FGJ TNU3N401T61
03031FFV TNU3N402T51
03031FFX TNU3N402T52
03031FFY TNU3N402T53
03031SKN TN98N401S51
03030WLG TNV2N401T01
03031FGF TNU3N401T51
03031FGG TNU3N401T52
03031FGH TNU3N401T53
03031FGJ TNU3N401T61
03031HPA TNU3N401T65
03030VYK TNU1N501T11
03031HLP TNU4N404C01
03030RXC TNV1N402C01
34060670 OSN010N06
03030QKR TNV1N302T01
03030RUT TNU1N302T01
34060568 ODX0480T1
34060634 OSN010001
03030RXB TNV1T402C01
03030RXG TNV1T401C01
03030VYT TNV2T210X01
03031YHA TNV3T404
03032KCJ TNV3T402C21
03032KCL TNV3T401C21
03031YXX TNV3T210
03031YXW TNV3T220 T220
03031YHH TNV3T230 T230
34061019 OSN010N14
34061042 OSX010N13
34060658 OSX010N03
03030UHU TNV2T220X01
03030QYP TNV1T216X01
03030RAD TNV1T130S01
34060484 eSFP-1310nm
34060485 eSFP-SM1310
34060286 eSFP-850nm
34060473 eSFP-1310nm
02114127 TN1B8RACK04
02300799 TNVK2AFB01
03030LNB TN52SCC01
03030QLW TN16FIU01
03030GXA TN13FIU01
03031LMU TN13FIU03
03030SVX TN12HSC101
03030PHD TN12OPM801
03030MDD TN11MCA802
03030YHM TN13VA401
03030KRK TN11ITL04
03030ULX TN11ITL06
03022WNP TN13ST2
34060529 OSC120N01
34060530 OSC120N02
34060674 OSC080N01
03023QJN TN11AST2
03022VUU TN12ST2
03030MVG TN12M4001
03030NHS TN12M4002
03030NAB TN12D4001
03030NHU TN12D4002
03030NAA TN12M40V01
03030SVU TN15WSMD901
030TTT1Q TN16WSMD901
03030TTM TN13WSMD401
03031FGJ TNU3N401T61
03030SVP TN13OBU103
03030SVQ TN13OBU104
03030MVS TN13OAU101
03030NHH TN13OAU103
03030NHM TN13OAU105
03030NNW TN13OAU106
03031WUT TN97ERPC01
03031JVF TN11SRAU01
03031KBG TN11SRAU02
03031SYK TN12RAU106E
03031RGC TN12RAU201E
03030MJB TN11DAS111
25030432 C1025BK00
25030431 C1025YG00
25030101 C1025BL00
82600932 NSDSPRGRAM01
82600455 NSDS00ASON02
82600457 NSDS00ASON04
34060494 OMXD30001
88032VJH TNVS0000SW04
88034BQH TNVS0000SW08
02114373 TNSB1RACK01
02300909 TNSK1AFB01
03030YSB TNS1CTU01
03021QRG TNV1EFI01
88032NHX TNSSXC800G01
88032VJY TNSS0000SW03
88033FUA TNSS0000SW04
88034BQG TNSS0000SW05
88032VJK TNVS0000SW05
88033FTX TNVS0000SW07
88034BQP TNVS0000SW09
82600873 NSDS0FDMSF01
03031FGJ TNU3N401T61
02113682 TN5B2RACK01
02114280 TN1B8RACK06
02113683 TN5B2RACK02
02114467 TN1B9RACK05
02114616 TN1B8RACK07
02114126 TN1B8RACK03
02113440 TN1B6RACK04
02113441 TN1B6RACK05
02113442 TN1B6RACK06
02113681 TN1B4RACK01
21070330 SSTB0FRAME03
21241444 SSTB0FRAME07
21011725 TNFBFRACK01
21011924 TN5BFRACK04
02300642 TN5K2AFB
02300704 TN53AFB
03032NSV A212
02300766 TN1K8AFB01
02300908 TN1K8AFB02
02300680 TN1K6AFB
02300643 TN4K1AFB
03020JTN TN11PIU02
03022AUH TN12AUX
03021PVD TN52AUX
03020HLJ TN41AUX
03020WGE TN16AUX
03021CGE TN16SCC
03020WAK TN16XCH
03030JFJ TN12XCS02
03020EUN TN51ATE
03020JNL TN51EFI1
03020JRN TN51EFI2
03021QRG TNV1EFI01
03030KXM TN13FIU02
03030QLV TN15FIU01
03030YHN TN13VA101
03030QLT TN13OLP03
03030QLU TN13OLP04
03030GUH TN11DCP02
03030QLR TN13DCP01
03030YFA TN11QCP01
03030GDY TN11ITL01
03030FWM TN11WMU01
03030JXT TN11GFU02
34061004 OSC080N04
34061006 OSC080N05
34061003 OSC150N01
34061005 OSC150N02
34060675 OSC080N00
03030MEG TN52XCH02
03030EYS TN11MR401
03030EYU TN11MR402
03030EYV TN11MR403
03030FBC TN11MR404
03030FBE TN11MR405
03030FBF TN11MR406
03030FBG TN11MR407
03030FBH TN11MR408
03030FBJ TN11MR409
03030FBK TN11MR410
03030FBM TN11MR801
03030FBN TN11MR802
03030FBP TN11MR803
03030FBQ TN11MR804
03030FBR TN11MR805
03031RGH TN51RPC03
03031TWN TN51HBA01
03031RGQ TN51ROP01
45060150 F000DCM01
45060151 F000DCM02
45060141 F000DCM03
45060142 F000DCM04
45060143 F000DCM05
45060144 F000DCM06
45060145 F000DCM07
45060146 F000DCM08
45060147 F000DCM09
45060148 F000DCM10
03030HAH TN11DCU01
03030HAJ TN11DCU02
03030HAK TN11DCU03
03030HAL TN11DCU04
03030HAM TN11DCU05
03030HAN TN11DCU06
03030GBY TN11DCU07
03030HAG TN11DCU08
03030LPT TN11DCU11
03030LPU TN11DCU12
03030LPV TN11DCU13
03030LPW TN11DCU14
03030LPX TN11DCU15
03030DJD TN11DCU16
03030MDT TN11SFIU01
03030LUY TN11OPM801
03031KAW TN15OPM801
03030YHP TN12MR8V01
03030YHQ TN12MR8V02
03030YHR TN12MR8V03
03030YHS TN12MR8V04
03030YHT TN12MR8V05
03031EUQ TN17WSM901
03031EUR TN17WSD901
03030TTS TN16WSM901
03030TTT TN16WSD901
03030SVN TN13OBU101
03030SVR TN13OBU105
03030SLK TN13OAU107
02316265 TN1-RGU 72
45060055 SSE-DCM 20
03030NHT TN12M40V02
03030SVJ TN12WSMD901
03031EUV TN17WSMD401
03031FGJ TNU3N401T61
03031XDS TNU1N402PT53
03031PLA TNU2N402PT52
03032AFQ TNU2N402PT51
21030350 DKBA41042603
21030337 DKBA41042281
21030338 DKBA41042291
82600509 NSDS0XCOTN01
82600508 NSDS0XCSDH01
82600619 NDSSPACKET03
82600458 NSDS0XC36001
82600576 NSDS0XC64001
82600708 NSDSXC1D6T01
82600459 NSDS0XC72001
82600460 NSDS0XC12801
82600461 NSDS0XC25601
82600610 NDSS0XC32001
82600611 NDSS0XC64001
82600468 NSDS00VC1201
82600639 NDSS00VC1202
03070593 TN11MR201M01
03030MBV SSND400BPA01
03070770 TN11CMR201M01
02311NBJ-001 TNU5N404C01-001
02311NBJ-002 TNU5N404C01-002
02311NBJ-003 TNU5N404C01-003
NS4 TN58NS4T50
Optix OSN 9800 U32
ND2 TN5M3ND201
Huawei OptiX OSN8800 OSN9800 for sale

Huawei OptiX OSN for sale

Huawei OptiX OSN for sale
03030LTE Unidirectional Optical Supervisory Channel Unit 1510nm
03030LTP Bidirectional Optical Supervisory Channel Unit 1510nm/1510nm
03030LUK 8-ch Add/Drop Multiplexer,Sigle Fiber A Side DWDM
03030LUK-001 8-ch Add/Drop Multiplexer,Sigle Fiber A Side DWDM
03030LUL 8-ch Add/Drop Multiplexer,Sigle Fiber B Side DWDM
03030LUL-001 8-ch Add/Drop Multiplexer,Sigle Fiber B Side DWDM
03030LUY 8-channel Optical Power Monitor Board
03030LUY-001 8-channel Optical Power Monitor Board
03030LWF 2-Port 10GBASE-X Interface Card EA,XFP
03030LWM 40G Line Service Processing Board AFEC,DQPSK,Tunable,50GHz
03030MBV Optical Booster Pre-amplifier Board
03030MCE AC Power Interface Board
03030MCE-001 AC Power Interface Board
03030MCN 1-Port OC-768c/STM-256c POS-2KM-LC Flexible Card CP100
03030MCU 8 Channels Fast Ethernet Electric Interface Board
03030MCW OSN 500 FAN Unit
03030MCX 5-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-XFP Flexible Card CP100
03030MDD 8-Channel Spectrum Analysis Board,Monitoring 40Gbps Singal
03030MDF 4-Channel Spectrum Analysis Board,Monitoring 40Gbps Singal
03030MDT Fiber Interface Board
03030MEG 1.28T Centralized Cross Connect Board-ODUk,VC4
03030MEG-001 1.28T Centralized Cross Connect Board-ODUk,VC4
03030MEH 1.28T Centralized Cross Connect Board-ODUk,VC4 VC12
03030MHB 48-Port 100/1000BASE-X Interface Card EA,SFP
03030MJB Dual C-BAND Optical Amplifiers Unit with Optical Supervisory Channel MAX 0dBm
03030MJB-001 Dual C-BAND Optical Amplifiers Unit with Optical Supervisory Channel MAX 0dBm
03030MJE 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,192.10THz,LC/PC
03030MJF 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,192.20THz,LC/PC
03030MJG 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,192.30THz,LC/PC
03030MJH 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,192.40THz,LC/PC
03030MJJ 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,192.50THz,LC/PC
03030MJK 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,192.60THz,LC/PC
03030MJL 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,192.70THz,LC/PC
03030MJM 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,192.80THz,LC/PC
03030MJN 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,192.90THz,LC/PC
03030MJP 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,193.00THz,LC/PC
03030MJQ 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,193.10THz,LC/PC
03030MJR 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,193.20THz,LC/PC
03030MJS 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,193.30THz,LC/PC
03030MJT 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,193.40THz,LC/PC
03030MJU 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,193.50THz,LC/PC
03030MJV 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,193.60THz,LC/PC
03030MJW 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,193.70THz,LC/PC
03030MJX 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,193.80THz,LC/PC
03030MJY 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,193.90THz,LC/PC
03030MKA 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,194.00THz,LC/PC
03030MKB 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,194.10THz,LC/PC
03030MKC 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,194.20THz,LC/PC
03030MKD 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,194.30THz,LC/PC
03030MKE 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,194.40THz,LC/PC
03030MKF 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,194.50THz,LC/PC
03030MKG 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,194.60THz,LC/PC
03030MKH 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,194.70THz,LC/PC
03030MKJ 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,194.80THz,LC/PC
03030MKK 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,194.90THz,LC/PC
03030MKL 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,195.00THz,LC/PC
03030MKM 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,195.10THz,LC/PC
03030MKN 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,195.20THz,LC/PC
03030MKP 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,195.30THz,LC/PC
03030MKQ 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,195.40THz,LC/PC
03030MKR 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,195.50THz,LC/PC
03030MKS 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,195.60THz,LC/PC
03030MKT 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,195.70THz,LC/PC
03030MKU 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,195.80THz,LC/PC
03030MKV 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,195.90THz,LC/PC
03030MKW 10.71G Optical Transponder-19dBm-0dBm,1550nm;800ps/nm,-1dBm-2dBm,196.00THz,LC/PC
03030MNR 8 Channels Fast Ethernet Optical Interface Board
03030MNV 2 Channels GE Optical Interface Board
03030MPA-001 9-Port Wavelength selective multiplexing and Demultiplexing board C_Band
03030MPV S7703 Main Control Unit A
03030MQH ATN 910 FAN Unit
03030MQK 48-Port 100/1000BASE-X Interface Card EC,SFP
03030MQL 48-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T Interface Card EC,RJ45
03030MQM 48-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T Interface Card EA,RJ45
03030MQN 24-Port 100/1000BASE-X Interface Card EC,SFP
03030MQP 24-Port 100/1000BASE-X Interface Card SA,SFP
03030MQQ Enhanced Flexible Service Unit
03030MQR S7706/S7712 Main Control Unit B Optional Clock
03030MQS S7706/S7712 Main Control Unit A
03030MQX 48-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T Interface Card FA,RJ45
03030MSJ Super Cross-Connection Processing Board With Cross-Connection
03030MTJ 32 Channels E1 Interface Board 75ohm
03030MTK 32 Channels E1 Interface Board 120ohm
03030MTL 4 Channels FE/GE Adaptive Optical Interface Board
03030MTM 16 Channels E1 Interface Board 75ohm
03030MTN 16 Channels E1 Interface Board 120ohm
03030MUD OSN 550 FAN Unit
03030MVD 100G Switch Fabric Unit B SFUF-100-B
03030MVG 40-channel Multiplexing Board C_ Even,196.00THz-192.10THz,100GHz,Thermal AWG
03030MVG-001 40-channel Multiplexing Board C_ Even,196.00THz-192.10THz,100GHz,Thermal AWG
03030MVP 100G Cluster Electric Cross Unit A ECU-100-A
03030MVR 100G Cluster Central Switch Fabric Unit A SFUI-100-A
03030MVS C-BAND Optical Amplifier Unit MAX 0dBm IN and 20dBm OUT,Gain 20-31dB
03030MVS-001 C-BAND Optical Amplifier Unit MAX 0dBm IN and 20dBm OUT,Gain 20-31dB
03030MWY 24-Port 100/1000Base-SFP Flexible Card CP100,Occupy 2 sub-slots
03030MXP 2-Port OC-192c/STM-64c POS-XFP Flexible Card CP100,Occupy 1 sub-slot
03030MXS 100G Cluster Optical Flexible Card
03030MXX 2-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-XFP Flexible Card CP100,Occupy 1 sub-slot
03030MXY 2-Port 10GBase LAN-XFP Flexible Card CP100,Occupy 1 sub-slot
03030NAA 40-Channel Multiplexing Board With VOA C_Even,196.00THz-192.10THz,100GHz,LC
03030NAA-001 40-Channel Multiplexing Board With VOA C_Even,196.00THz-192.10THz,100GHz,LC
03030NAB 40-channel Demultiplexing Board C Even,196.00THz-192.10THz,100GHz,Thermal AWG,LC
03030NAB-001 40-channel Demultiplexing Board C Even,196.00THz-192.10THz,100GHz,Thermal AWG
03030NCG 5-Port 10GBase LAN-XFP Flexible Card CP100,Occupy 2 sub-slots
03030NCK Central Main Processing Unit A4 Include 2 2G Memory and 2 2G CF Card
03030NCN-001 40Gbit/s Line Service Processing Board ULH,HFEC,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz,LC
03030NFY 12-Port 10GBASE-X Interface Card SA,SFP+
03030NGA 24-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T Interface Card FA,RJ45
03030NHA STM-16 out-of-band FEC Optical Interface Board
03030NHH C-BAND Optical Amplifier Unit MAX-4dBm IN and 20dBm OUT,Gain 24-36dB
03030NHM C-BAND Optical Amplifier Unit MAX 0dBm IN and 23dBm OUT,Gain 23-34dB
03030NHM-001 C-BAND Optical Amplifier Unit MAX 0dBm IN and 23dBm OUT,Gain 23-34dB
03030NHS 40-channel Multiplexing Board C_Odd,196.05THz-192.15THz,100GHz,Thermal AWG
03030NHS-001 40-channel Multiplexing Board C_Odd,196.05THz-192.15THz,100GHz,Thermal AWG
03030NHT 40-Channel Multiplexing Board With VOA C_Odd,196.05THz-192.15THz,100GHz,LC
03030NHT-001 40-Channel Multiplexing Board With VOA C_Odd,196.05THz-192.15THz,100GHz,LC
03030NHU 40-channel Demultiplexing Board C_Odd,196.05THz-192.15THz,100GHz,Thermal AWG,LC
03030NHU-001 40-channel Demultiplexing Board C_Odd,196.05THz-192.15THz,100GHz,Thermal AWG
03030NJU 100Gbit/s Line Service Processing Board ULH,SDFEC,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz,LC
03030NJU-001 100Gbit/s Line Service Processing Board ULH,SDFEC,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz,LC
03030NMR AC Power Board, No Power Backup
03030NMY 4 Channels G.SHDSL Interface Board
03030NNW C-BAND Optical Amplifier Unit MAX 4dBm IN and 20dBm OUT,Gain 16-23dB
03030NNW-001 C-BAND Optical Amplifier Unit MAX 4dBm IN and 20dBm OUT,Gain 16-23dB
03030NRV 1-Port 40GBase-CFP Flexible Card CP100,Occupy 2 sub-slots
03030NSK 2-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card A P50-A,Occupy one sub-slot
03030NVF 12-Port 10G Base LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card A P120-A
03030NWA S9703 Main Control Unit A Optional Clock
03030NWB Centralized Monitoring Board
03030NWD 48-Port 100/1000BASE-X Interface Card EA,SFP
03030NWE 48-Port 100/1000BASE-X Interface Card EC,SFP
03030NWG 24-Port 100/1000BASE-X Interface Card EC,SFP
03030NWH 24-Port 100/1000BASE-X Interface Card ED,SFP
03030NWL 48-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T Interface Card EA,RJ45
03030NWM 48-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T Interface Card EC,RJ45
03030NWR 4-Port 10GBASE-X Interface Card EA,XFP
03030NWT 2-Port 10GBASE-X Interface Card EA,XFP
03030NWX 12-Port 10GBASE-X Interface Card SA,SFP+
03030NWY 24-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T and 2-Port 10GBASE-X Interface Card EA,RJ45/XFP
03030NXA 24-Port 100/1000BASE-X and 2-Port 10GBASE-X Interface Card EA,SFP/XFP
03030NXE 36-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T and 12-Port 100/1000BASE-X Interface Card EA,RJ45/SFP
03030NXG 48-Port 100/1000BASE-X Interface Card FA,SFP
03030NXH 48-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T Interface Card FA,RJ45
03030NXL 24-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T Interface Card FA,RJ45
03030NXN 24-Port 100/1000BASE-X and 2-Port 10GBASE-X Interface Card EC,SFP/XFP
03030NXR S9706/S9712,Main Control Unit D Optional Clock
03030NXX 100G Switch Fabric Unit C SFUF-100-C
03030PAW 4 Channels STM-1 Optical Interface Board
03030PFQ 2-port 40GBASE-X interface card FC,QSFP+
03030PGE 20-ports Tunable DeMultiplexing Board
03030PGM 48-Port 100/1000BASE-X Interface Card FA,SFP
03030PGS PTN 960 FAN Unit
03030PGS-001 PTN 960 FAN Unit
03030PHD 8 channel optical power monitor board support 10Gbit/s, 40Gbit/s, 100Gbit/s OSNR
03030PLN Versatile Service Flexible Card SP80
03030PMA 24-Port 100/1000Base-X-SFP Flexible Card A P51-A
03030PMC 5-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card A P51-A, Occupy two slots
03030PME 2-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card A P51-A
03030PMK 5-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card A P101-A
03030PMN 24-Port 100/1000Base-X-SFP Flexible Card A P101-A
03030PMQ 1-Port 40GBase LAN-CFP Flexible Card A P101-A
03030PPU Optical Line Protection Board SM
03030PQB 8-Port 10GBASE-X Interface Card ED,SFP+
03030PSS Versatile Service Unit Sub card SP160
03030PTB 8-Port Channelized STM-1c POS-SFP Flexible Card P50
03030PTE Versatile Service Unit Sub Card SP80
03030PTF Versatile Service Flexible Card SP160
03030PVG 4-Port Channelized STM-1c POS-SFP Flexible Card P50
03030PWU Line Regenerating WaveLength Conversion Board For 10G AFEC,C_BAND,WDM
03030PWV Line Regenerating WaveLength Conversion Board For 10G AFEC,C_BAND,Super WDM
03030PYE 24-Port 1000Base-X-SFP Flexible Card E P51-E
03030PYF 2-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card E P51-E
03030PYG 5-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card E P51-E, Occupy two sub-slots
03030PYJ 24-Port 100/1000Base-X-SFP Flexible Card BP51
03030PYK 5-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card BP51,occupy 2 sub-slot
03030PYM 2-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card BP51
03030PYN 24-Port 1000Base-X-SFP Flexible Card E BP51-E
03030PYP 5-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card E BP51-E,occupy 2 sub-slot
03030PYQ 2-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card E BP51-E
03030PYR 5-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card BP100
03030PYS 5-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card E BP100-E
03030PYU 1-Port 100GBase-CFP Flexible Card A P120-A
03030QAS DC Power Supply Unit 1200W
03030QCK 2-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Physical Interface Card
03030QCL 8-Port 100/1000Base-X-SFP Physical Interface Card
03030QCM 8-Port 100/1000Base-RJ45 Physical Interface Card
03030QCN 4-Port Channelized STM-1c POS-SFP Physical Interface Card PIC
03030QCP 32-Port E1 Physical Interface Card 120ohm
03030QCQ 32-Port E1 Physical Interface Card 75ohm
03030QCX Main Processing Unit E
03030QDD 12-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card A P240-A
03030QDE 6-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card A P120-A
03030QDF 1-Port 100GBase-CFP Flexible CardA P240-A
03030QDG 6-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card BP100
03030QDH 1-Port 100GBase-CFP Flexible Card BP100
03030QDJ 12-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card BP240
03030QDK 1-Port 100GBase-CFP Flexible Card BP240
03030QFK Double 10G Line Service Processing Board AFEC,Super WDM,Tunable,50GHz
03030QFM 10G Line Service Processing Board AFEC,Super WDM,Tunable,50GHz
03030QFN 4 x ODU1 Multiplexing OTU2 Optical Interface Board AFEC,Super WDM,Tunable,50GHz
03030QFP 4 x ODU1 Multiplexing OTU2 Optical Interface Board AFEC,Tunable,50GHz
03030QGY Network Service Processor NSP-50
03030QHA Network Service Processor NSP-50-E, Apply for- 40- 65degree scene
03030QHL Cluster Switching System Service Unit used in SRUA/SRUB
03030QKM 5-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card E P101-E
03030QKN 20-Port 10/100/1000Base-RJ45 Flexible Card A P51-A
03030QKR 2 40G Line Service Processing Board AFEC,DQPSK,Tunable,50GHz
03030QLL eSpace U1910 Control Voice Process Board
03030QLP eSpace U1930 Control Voice Process Board
03030QLR Double Channel Protect Board SM
03030QLT Optical Line Protection Board SM
03030QLU Optical Line Protection Board SM
03030QLV Fiber Interface Board
03030QLW Fiber Interface Board
03030QLW-001 Fiber Interface Board
03030QLX 9-Port ROADM Splitting Board Extended C_Band
03030QVU eSpace IAD1224 Control Voice Process Board
03030QWF 32 ch 75-ohm E1 Mixed Interface Board
03030QWJ 32 ch 120-ohm E1 Mixed Interface Board
03030QWX AC Power Board, No Power Backup
03030QWY AC Power Board, Power Backup
03030QXG Cluster Internal Communication Unit B
03030QXN Cluster Central Main Processing Unit B
03030QYY System Control and Communication Board With Clock Processing Function
03030RDY 2-Port 100GBase-CXP Flexible Card CP400,Occupy 1 sub-slot
03030RED 400G Switch Fabric Unit A for Single Chassis SFUI-400-A
03030REM 1-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ + 8-Port 100/1000Base-X-SFP Physical Interface
03030REN 4-Port 10GBase LAN-SFP+ Physical Interface Card PIC
03030RET 4-Port OC-3c/STM-1c POS-SFP Physical Interface Card
03030REY 16-Port E1 Physical Interface Card 120ohm
03030RFA 16-Port E1 Physical Interface Card 75ohm
03030RFG Network Service Processor NSP-120-E
03030RFH Network Service Processor NSP-120
03030RFQ DC Power Supply Unit 1600W
03030RFX 8-Port 10GBASE-X and 8-Port 100/1000BASE-X and 8-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T
03030RFY 48-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T Interface Card X1E,RJ45
03030RGM 20-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card CP400,Occupy 1 sub-slot
03030RGX 4-Port 10GBASE-X and 24-Port 100/1000BASE-X and 8-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T
03030RHB 48-Port 100/1000BASE-X Interface Card X1E,SFP
03030RHL 5-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card B CP100,Occupy 2 sub-slots
03030RHM 5-Port 10GBase LAN-SFP+ Flexible Card B CP100,Occupy 2 sub-slots
03030RJQ 8-Channel Multiplexing Demultiplexing Card
03030RJR 1-Port 100GBase-CFP Flexible Card CP400,Occupy 1 sub-slot
03030RKK eSpace IAD196 Control Voice Process Board
03030RKM AC Power Board, Power Backup
03030RLC 8-Port OC-48c/12c/3c STM-16c/4c/1c POS-SFP Flexible Card CP100
03030RLG 40-Channel Multiplexing/Demultiplexing Board C_Even,100GHz
03030RLV 1-Port 40GBase LAN-CFP Flexible Card A P101-A
03030RLW 24-Port 100/1000Base-X-SFP Flexible Card A P101-A
03030RPE S12700,Main Processing Unit A Optional clock
03030RPF S12700,Switch Fabric Unit A
03030RPG S12708/S12712,Switch Fabric Unit D
03030RPH 48-Port 10GBASE-X Interface Card EC,SFP+
03030RPJ 48-Port 100/1000BASE-X Interface Card X1E,SFP
03030RPK 48-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T Interface Card X1E,RJ45
03030RPL 4-Port 10GBASE-X and 24-Port 100/1000BASE-X 8-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T Combo
03030RPM 8-Port 10GBASE-X and 8-Port 100/1000BASE-X 8-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T Combo
03030RRQ 40Gbit/s Line Service Processing Board ULH,HFEC,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz
03030RRQ-001 40Gbit/s Line Service Processing Board ULH,HFEC,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz
03030RRR 100Gbit/s Line Service Processing Board ULH,SDFEC,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz
03030RSC Universal Cross Connect,System Control and Clock Processing Board-ODUk,PKT
03030RTR 40G universal line service processing board
03030RUT 2 40G Line Service Processing Board ULH,HFEC,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz,LC
03030RXS 8-Port OC-48c/STM-16c POS-SFP Flexible Card P120
03030RYF 2-Port 100GBASE-X Interface Card EE,CFP
03030SBY Main Processing Unit-MPU3102-DC-1U 238 180mm-FE electric interface/iField
03030SCB Main Processing Unit-MPU3102-AC-1U 238 180mm-FE electric interface/iField
03030SFS Bidirectional 2-Channel Optical Multiplexing/DeMultiplexing Board CWDM DWDM
03030SGC 48-Port 10GBASE-X Interface Card EC,SFP+
03030SGD 48-Port 100/1000BASE-X Interface Card X1E,SFP
03030SGE 48-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T Interface Card X1E,RJ45
03030SGF 4-Port 10GBASE-X and 24-Port 100/1000BASE-X and 8-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T
03030SGG 8-Port 10GBASE-X and 8-Port 100/1000BASE-X and 8-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T
03030SGH 48-Port 100/1000BASE-X Interface Card EA,SFP
03030SGJ 48-Port 100/1000BASE-X Interface Card EC,SFP
03030SGL 24-Port 100/1000BASE-X Interface Card EC,SFP
03030SGN 48-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T Interface Card EA,RJ45
03030SGP 48-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T Interface Card EC,RJ45
03030SGR 4-Port 10GBASE-X Interface Card EA,XFP
03030SGS 4-Port 10GBASE-X Interface Card EC,XFP
03030SGX 36-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T and 12-Port 100/1000BASE-X Interface
03030SGY 12-Port 10GBASE-X Interface Card SA,SFP+
03030SHE 2-Port 40GBASE-X Interface Card SC,QSFP+
03030SHF 8-Port 40GBASE-X Interface Card SC,QSFP+
03030SLK C-BAND Optical Amplifier Unit Max Out Option 21/22/23dBm,Gain 19-27dB
03030SPH 400G Switch Fabric Unit B for Single Chassis SFU-400-B
03030SSE 100Gbit/s Line Service Processing Board LH,HFEC,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz,LC
03030SUT CE12816 Switch Fabric Unit B
03030SVB Synchronous Timing Generation Board
03030SVJ 9-Port Wavelength selective multiplexing and Demultiplexing board C_Band
03030SVN C-BAND Optical Booster Unit MAX-4dBm IN and 16dBm OUT,Gain 20dB
03030SVP C-BAND Optical Booster Unit MAX-3dBm IN and 20dBm OUT,Gain 23dB
03030SVQ C-BAND Optical Booster Unit MAX-1dBm IN and 16dBm OUT,Gain 17dB
03030SVR C-BAND Optical Booster Unit MAX 0dBm IN and 23dBm OUT,Gain 23dB
03030SVU 9-Port flexible Wavelength selective multiplexing and Demultiplexing C_Band
03030SVU-001 9-Port flexible Wavelength selective multiplexing and Demultiplexing board
03031FGJ TNU3N401T61 1 100G Line Service Processing Board ULH,SDFEC2,wDCM,Coherent,Tunable
03030SVX High Power Unidirectional Optical Supervisory Channel Board
03030SWH 2-Port 100GBase-CFP2 Flexible Card A P480-A
03030SWL 24-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card A P480-A
03030TCG 2-Port 100GBase-CFP2 Flexible Card CP400,Occupy 1 sub-slot
03030TDC S12704/S12708,Switch Fabric Unit C
03030TDP 400G Cluster Central Switch Fabric Unit A SFUF-400-A
03030TDS 400G Switch Fabric Unit B SFUI-400-B
03030TDT 400G Cluster Optical Flexible Card
03030TJK 8 Channels VDSL2 Interface Board with Bonding Funtion,Annex B Mode
03030TLF 5-Port 40GBase-QSFP+ Flexible Card CP400,Occupy 1 sub-slot
03030TPP WLAN ACU2 Access Controller Unit 128 AP Control Resource Included
03030TRH eSpace U1981 Switch and Control Board
03030TTM 4-Port Wavelength selective multiplexing and Demultiplexing C_Band
03030TTM-001 4-Port Wavelength selective multiplexing and Demultiplexing C_Band
03030TTS 9-Port Wavelength Selective Switching Multiplexing Board C_Band
03030TTT 9-Port Wavelength Selective Switching Demultiplexing Board C_Band
03030TUL 10-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card A P240-A
03030TUQ 10-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card E P240-E
03030UCX AC Power Board,VP Board,Power Backup
03030UEJ IPS Module A,with HW General Security Platform Software
03030UEK NGFW Module A,with HW General Security Platform Software
03030UEL NGFW Module B,with HW General Security Platform Software
03030UEM NGFW Module C,with HW General Security Platform Software
03030ULA C-BAND Optical Amplifier Unit MAX-3dBm IN and 20dBm OUT,Gain 23dB,EVOA
03030ULX Interleaver Board Extended C-band
03030ULX-001 Interleaver Board C Band
03030UQM Enhanced 4-ch Add/Drop Multiplexer,100GHz 195.7/195.8/195.9/196.0THz
03030UQN Enhanced 4-ch Add/Drop Multiplexer,100GHz 195.3/195.4/195.5/195.6THz
03030UQP Enhanced 4-ch Add/Drop Multiplexer,100GHz 194.9/195.0/195.1/195.2THz
03030UQQ Enhanced 4-ch Add/Drop Multiplexer,100GHz 194.5/194.6/194.7/194.8THz
03030UQR Enhanced 4-ch Add/Drop Multiplexer,100GHz 194.1/194.2/194.3/194.4THz
03030UQW Enhanced 4-ch Add/Drop Multiplexer,100GHz 193.7/193.8/193.9/194.0THz
03030UQX Enhanced 4-ch Add/Drop Multiplexer,100GHz 193.3/193.4/193.5/193.6THz
03030UQY Enhanced 4-ch Add/Drop Multiplexer,100GHz 192.9/193.0/193.1/193.2THz
03030URA Enhanced 4-ch Add/Drop Multiplexer,100GHz 192.5/192.6/192.7/192.8THz
03030URB Enhanced 4-ch Add/Drop Multiplexer,100GHz 192.1/192.2/192.3/192.4THz
03030URC Enhanced 8-ch Optical Add/Drop Multiplexing Board,100GHz 195.3/195
03030URD Enhanced 8-ch Optical Add/Drop Multiplexing Board,100GHz 194.5/194
03030URE Enhanced 8-ch Optical Add/Drop Multiplexing Board,100GHz 193.7/193
03030URF Enhanced 8-ch Optical Add/Drop Multiplexing Board,100GHz 192.9/193
03030URG Enhanced 8-ch Optical Add/Drop Multiplexing Board,100GHz 192.1/192
03030URH Both East West Directional Fiber Interface Board Dual FIU subcard,C/1510nm
03030URJ Both East West Directional Fiber Interface Board for Sync Timing Dual SFIU
03030UUD Fiber Interface Board Single FIU subcard,C/1510nm
03030UUF Fiber Interface Board for Sync Timing Single FIU subcard,C/1491 1511nm
03030UUH 100Gbit/s Line Service Processing Board SLH,SDFEC2,Coherent,Tunable,C+
03030UUP 9-port flexible wavelength selective multiplexing board extended C_band
03030UUR 9-port flexible wavelength selective demultiplexing board extended C_band
03030UVS 10-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card E BP240-E
03030UVT 10-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card BP240
03030UVV 1-Port Channelized STM-4 POS-SFP Flexible Card P50
03030UXB Media resource and Trunking Unit
03030VTK CE12800 IPS Process Card A
03030VVP Fiber Interface Unit CWDM DWDM,1310nm
03030VXE 8-ch Add/Drop Multiplexer,with MON, 1471/1491/1511/1531/1551/1571/1591
03030VYK 1 200G Line Service Processing Board Metro,SDFEC,16QAM,Coherent,Tunable
03030WBB 16-ch Add/Drop Multiplexer,with MON, 1311/1331/1351/1371/1391/1411/1431
03030WGQ 2-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Physical Interface Card
03030WGT 3-Port 40GBase-QSFP+ Flexible Card P240-A
03030WSQ Ethernet Adapter,10Gb Optical Interface Intel 82599,2-Port,SFP+ without Optical
03030WVE 2-Port 100GBASE-X Interface Card EE,CFP
03030XJN 2-Port 100GBASE-X Interface Card EE,CFP
03030XQH 32xE1/T1 tributary board With Protection
03030XYD 4-Port 10G Cluster Switching System Service Unit SFP+
03030YCE-001 C-BAND Backward Raman and Erbium Doped Fiber Hybrid Optical Amplifier Unit
03030YEU 10-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card H P240-H
03030YFA 4-Channel Protection Board,Non-latching
03030YHM 4-Channel Variable Optical Attenuator Board
03030YHN 1-Channel Variable Optical Attenuator Board
03030YHP 8-Channel Optical Add/Drop Multiplexing Board with VOA 100GHz,192.1THz-192.8THz
03030YHQ 8-Channel Optical Add/Drop Multiplexing Board with VOA 100GHz,192.9THz-193.6THz
03030YHR 8-Channel Optical Add/Drop Multiplexing Board with VOA 100GHz,193.7THz-194.4THz
03030YHS 8-Channel Optical Add/Drop Multiplexing Board with VOA 100GHz,194.5THz-195.2THz
03030YHT 8-Channel Optical Add/Drop Multiplexing Board with VOA 100GHz,195.3THz-196.0THz
03030YSB System Control and Communication Board With Clock Processing Function
03030YSB-001 System Control and Communication Board With Clock Processing Function
03031308 Railway Audio Interface Board 1:2 Transformer
03031ARP-001 2 100G Line Service Processing Board ULH,SDFEC2,wDCM,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz
03031ARY-001 1 100G Line Service Processing Board ULH,SDFEC2,wDCM,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz
03031CLM 5-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card H P120-H
03031CQT Front IO module type A 12HDD
03031DBV Network Service Processor NSP-A
03031DBX Network Service Processor NSP-B
03031DHB 8-Port 100/1000Base-RJ45 Physical Interface Card
03031DJK 10-Port 100/1000Base-X-SFP Physical Interface Card
03031DJP 4-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Physical Interface Card
03031DJQ 1-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ + 8-Port 100/1000Base-X-SFP Physical Interface
03031DKA 2-Port OC-3c/STM-1c or 1-Port OC-12c/STM-4C POS-SFP Physical Interface Card
03031DKB 1-Port Channelized STM-1c POS-SFP Physical Interface Card
03031DKC 2-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Physical Interface Card H
03031DKK 10-Port 100/1000Base-X-SFP Physical Interface Card H
03031DPX 6-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card P120
03031DPY 12-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card P240
03031DQA 1-Port 100GBase-CFP Flexible Card P240
03031EAW 2-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card H P51-H
03031EDQ Main Processing Unit E1
03031EQH 100Gbit/s Line Service Processing Board SLH,SDFEC2,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz
03031ESR 2-Port 100G OTN/ETH-CFP2 Flexible Card CP400,Occupy 1 sub-slot
03031EUJ Dual 20-Port Wavelength Selective Switching Board
03031EUJ-001 Dual 20-Port Wavelength Selective Switching Board
03031EUM 20-ports Tunable Wavelength Multiplexing Board
03031EUQ 9-Port Wavelength Selective Switching Multiplexing Board
03031EUR 9-Port Wavelength Selective Switching Demultiplexing Board
03031EUV 4-Port Wavelength selective multiplexing and Demultiplexing board
03031EVK Universal Cross Connect,System Control and Clock Processing Board
03031FFV 2 100G Line Service Processing Board SLH,SDFEC2,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz,LC
03031FFX 2 100G Line Service Processing Board ULH,SDFEC2,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz,LC
03031FFY 2 100G Line Service Processing Board LH,SDFEC2,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz,LC
03031FGA 2 100G Line Service Processing Board ULH,SDFEC2,wDCM,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz
03031FGF 1 100G Line Service Processing Board SLH,SDFEC2,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz,LC
03031FGG 1 100G Line Service Processing Board ULH,SDFEC2,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz,LC
03031FGH 1 100G Line Service Processing Board LH,SDFEC2,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz,LC
03031FGJ TNU3N401T61 1 100G Line Service Processing Board ULH,SDFEC2,wDCM,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz
03031FSL S7706/S7712,Main Control Unit H
03031FSM 32-Port 10GBASE-X Interface Card SC,SFP+
03031FSP 32-Port 10GBASE-X Interface Card SC,SFP+
03031FSQ 32-Port 10GBASE-X Interface Card SC,SFP+
03031FTC Bandpass filter 1-channel optical add/drop Multiplexing board
03031GAC 8-Channel Optical Add/Drop Multiplexing Board 192.1/192.2/192
03031GCH NE08E-S6 FAN
03031GCK NE05E-S2 FAN Unit
03031GGV 100Gbit/s Line Service Processing Board ULH,SDFEC2,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz
03031GGW 100Gbit/s Line Service Processing Board LH,SDFEC2,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz
03031GGX 100Gbit/s Line Service Processing Board ULH,SDFEC2,wDCM, Coherent,Tunable,50GHz
03031HGN 16-Port 10GBASE-X Interface Card SC,SFP+
03031HGP 16-Port 10GBASE-X Interface Card SC,SFP+
03031HGQ 16-Port 10GBASE-X Interface Card SC,SFP+
03031HNW 2 100G Line Service Processing Board Metro,SDFEC2,wDCM,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz,LC
03031HPA 1 100G Line Service Processing Board Metro,SDFEC2,wDCM,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz,LC
03031JKR 1 100G Universal Line Service Processing Board SLH,SDFEC2,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz
03031JLY 1 100G/200G Programable Line Service Processing Board LH,SDFEC2/SDFEC,QPSK/16QAM
03031JME 1 100G Universal Line Service Processing Board LH,SDFEC2,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz
03031JMF 1 100G Universal Line Service Processing Board ULH,SDFEC2,wDCM,Coherent,Tunable
03031JMF-001 1 100G Universal Line Service Processing Board ULH,SDFEC2,wDCM,Coherent,Tunable
03031JNY 8-channel Optical Power Monitor Board
03031JVF Super C-band Backward Raman and Erbium Doped Fiber Hybrid Optical Amplifier Unit
03031JVF-001 Super C-band Backward Raman and Erbium Doped Fiber Hybrid Optical Amplifier
03031JYH 2-Port OC-3c/STM-1c POS-SFP Flexible Card
03031JYK 2-Port Channelized STM-1c POS-SFP Flexible Card P50
03031KAW 8 channel flexible bandwidth optical power monitor board C_Band,192
03031KAW-001 8 channel flexible bandwidth optical power monitor board
03031KAX 100Gbit/s Line Service Processing Board SLH,SDFEC2,Coherent,Tunable
03031KBG Super C-band Backward Raman and Erbium Doped Fiber Hybrid Optical Amplifier Unit
03031KBG-001 Super C-band Backward Raman and Erbium Doped Fiber Hybrid Optical Amplifier
03031KHU Dual 9-Port Wavelength Selective Switching Board
03031KNT 100Gbit/s Line Service Processing Board Metro,SDFEC2,wDCM,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz
03031KXD 8 channel flexible bandwidth optical power monitor board extended
03031KYW CE12800 NGFW Module A, with HW General Security Platform Software
03031LHN 1 100G Universal Line Service Processing Board ULH,SDFEC2,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz
03031LHR 1 100G Universal Line Service Processing Board Metro,SDFEC2,wDCM,Coherent
03031LJP Fiber Interface Unit, CWDM DWDM,1611nm
03031LMU Fiber Interface Board
03031LPW 1-Port 40GBase-CFP Physical Interface Card PIC
03031LQT 4-Port Wavelength selective multiplexing and Demultiplexing board
03031LTS 8-ch Add/Drop Multiplexer 1271/1291/1311/1331/1351/1371/1431/1451nm
03031LTT Single Fiber Bidirectional 8-channel Optical Add/Drop Multiplexing Board
03031LUU 2-Port OC-192c/STM-64c POS-XFP Flexible Card P51-A
03031LXD Enhanced 40-Channel Multiplexing/Demultiplexing Board C_ Even,196
03031LXM Enhanced 40-Channel Multiplexing/Demultiplexing Board C_Odd,196.05THz
03031MJN 1 200G turbo WDM Line Service Processing Board extend to 400G
03031NFA RTN 910A FAN Unit
03031NXN 1 200G turbo WDM Line Service Processing Extended Board
03031PLA 2 100G/200G or 1 400G Programable Line Service Processing Board LH,400G/200G
03031PLA-001 2 100G/200G or 1 400G Programable Line Service Processing Board LH,400G/200G
03031PLA-002 2 100G/200G or 1 400G Programable Line Service Processing Board LH,400G/200G
03031PMH 4-ch Add/Drop Multiplexer,with OSC 192.1/192.2/192.3/192.4THz
03031PXS Both East West Directional Fiber Interface Board Dual FIU subcard,C/1510nm
03031PXT Fiber Interface Board Single FIU subcard,C/1510nm
03031PYV 2 100G Line Service Processing Board SDFEC2,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz,LC
03031PYX 2 100G Line Service Processing Board SDFEC2,wDCM,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz,LC
03031QAM 20-ports flexible and tunable wavelength multiplexing board
03031QAP 20-ports Tunable DeMultiplexing Board extended C_band
03031QDG Interleaver Board Extended C Band,Dual Module
03031QDN Extended C BAND Optical Amplifier Unit, Support Pump Card
03031QDP Fiber Interface Board Extended C/1510 WDM,Use Together With HBA
03031QDS 2-port Multiplexing and Demultiplexing Board Extended C Band
03031QDT 48-Channel Multiplexing Board With VOA C_EVEN,196.0THz-191.3THz,100GHz,LC
03031QDV Extended C BAND Optical Booster Unit, Support Pump Card
03031QDW Extended C BAND ASE dummy Optical Source Unit, Support Pump
03031QDX 48-Channel Multiplexing Board With VOA C_ODD,196.05THz-191.35THz,100GHz,LC
03031QDY 48-Channel Demultiplexing Board C_EVEN,196.0THz-191.3THz,100GHz,LC
03031QEA 48-Channel Demultiplexing Board C_ODD,196.05THz-191.35THz,100GHz,LC
03031QVD 1 100G Universal Line Service Processing Board SDFEC2,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz
03031QVE 1 100G Universal Line Service Processing Board SDFEC2,wDCM,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz
03031RGC C-BAND Backward Raman and Erbium Doped Fiber Hybrid Optical Amplifier
03031RGH Extended C-Band Forward Raman Processing Board
03031RGL Extended C-Band Backward Raman Processing Board
03031RGQ Extended C-Band Remote Optical Pump Processing Board
03031SKK 2 100G Line Service Processing Board SLH,SDFEC2,Coherent,Tunable
03031SKN 1 100G Line Service Processing Board SLH,SDFEC2,Coherent,Tunable
03031SNB Manufactured Board,MA5600T,H802SCUB,1 1 with H801CKMC sub-board
03031SYK C-BAND Backward Raman and Erbium Doped Fiber Hybrid Optical Amplifier
03031TQE 20-ports flexible and tunable wavelength multiplexing board Extended
03031TUX AE 905S-Basic Configuration GPS Timing SFP Module,PTP master
03031TWN Extended C-Band High-power Booster Amplifier Board
03031VDF 100Gbit/s Line Service ULH,SDFEC2,wDCM-Enhanced, Coherent,Tunable,50GHz
03031WAS 8-Port 40GE QSFP+ Interface Card X2E,QSFP+
03031WHR 4-Port 100GE QSFP28 Interface Card X2S,QSFP28
03031WHS 32-Port 10GE SFP+ Interface Card X2E,SFP+
03031WHU 32-Port 10GE SFP+ Interface Card X2E,SFP+
03031WHX 48-Port 10GE SFP+ Interface Card X2S,SFP+
03031WJA 48-Port 10GE SFP+ Interface Card X2S,SFP+
03031WJD 8-Port 40GE QSFP+ Interface Card X2E,QSFP+
03031WKM 1 100G turbo WDM Universal Line Service Processing Board extend to 200G
03031WKV 1 100G turbo WDM Universal Line Service Processing Extended Board
03031WUT Extended C BAND Enhanced Raman Processing Board,MAX Output 38.5dBm
03031XDS 2 100G/200G or 1 400G Programable Line Service Processing Board LH,400G/200G
03031XJL 100Gbit/s Line Service Processing Board LH,SDFEC2,wDCM, Coherent,Tunable,50GHz
03031XPT 5-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card E P52-E, Occupy two sub-slots
03031XPV 5-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card E P120-E
03031XPX 5-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card E BP52-E,occupy 2 sub-slot
03031XQA 5-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card E BP120-E
03031XQD 2-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card E P52-E
03031XQF 2-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card E BP52-E
03031XQJ 24-Port 1000Base-X-SFP Flexible Card E P52-E
03031XQM 24-Port 1000Base-X-SFP Flexible Card E BP52-E
03031XXK Interleaver Board C Band
03031YAM 100Gbit/s Line Service Processing Board Metro,SDFEC-2,Coherent,Tunable,LC
03031YCJ Network Service Processor NSP-C
03031YEQ 4-Port 100GE QSFP28 Interface Card X2S,QSFP28
03031YET 4-Port 100GE QSFP28 Interface Card X2E,QSFP28
03031YFD 4-Port 100GE QSFP28 Interface Card X2E,QSFP28
03031YFE 2-Port 100GE QSFP28 Interface and 2-Port 40GE QSFP+ Interface Card X2S,QSFP28
03031YFF 2-Port 100GE QSFP28 Interface and 2-Port 40GE QSFP+ Interface Card X2E,QSFP28
03031YFG 32-Port 10GE SFP+ Interface Card X2S,SFP+
03031YFH 24-Port 10GE SFP+ Interface and 8-Port GE SFP Interface Card X2S,SFP+
03031YFJ 24-Port 10GE SFP+ Interface and 8-Port GE SFP Interface Card X2E,SFP+
03031YFK 16-Port 10GE SFP+ Interface and 16-Port GE SFP Interface Card X2S,SFP+
03031YFL 16-Port 10GE SFP+ Interface and 16-Port GE SFP Interface Card X2E,SFP+
03031YGC 2-Port 100GE QSFP28 Interface and 2-Port 40GE QSFP+ Interface Card X2S,QSFP28
03031YGD 2-Port 100GE QSFP28 Interface and 2-Port 40GE QSFP+ Interface Card X2E,QSFP28
03031YGE 32-Port 10GE SFP+ Interface Card X2S,SFP+
03031YGG 24-Port 10GE SFP+ Interface and 8-Port GE SFP Interface Card X2S,SFP+
03031YGJ 24-Port 10GE SFP+ Interface and 8-Port GE SFP Interface Card X2E,SFP+
03031YGK 16-Port 10GE SFP+ Interface and 16-Port GE SFP Interface Card X2S,SFP+
03031YGL 16-Port 10GE SFP+ Interface and 16-Port GE SFP Interface Card X2E,SFP+
03031YJP System Control,Cross-connect and Multi-protocol Process Unit
03031YLQ S12710,Main Processing Unit B Optional clock
03031YLR S12700,Switch Fabric Unit B
03031YLV S7706/S7712,Main Control Unit E
03031YNA 100Gbit/s Line Service Processing Board Metro,SDFEC2,wDCM,Coherent,Tunable
03031YWY 80G VC3/VC12 Low Order Universal Cross-connect Board
03032042 Railway Tone High/Low Impedance Terminal Interface Board
03032AFQ 2 100G/200Gor 1 400G Programable Line Service Processing Board LH,400G/200G
03032AML 1-Port 100GBase-CFP2 Physical Interface Card PIC
03032AMM 10-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Physical Interface Card PIC
03032AMP 100G CFPT5U ULH+,SDFEC2,Coherent,Tunable,Extended C Band,50GHz
03032AMR 100G CFPT65 Metro,SDFEC2,Coherent wDCM,Tunable,Extended C Band,50GHz
03032AUQ 32-Port 10GE SFP+ Interface Card X2H,SFP+
03032AUR 4-Port 100GE QSFP28 Interface Card X2H,QSFP28
03032AXX 100G CFPT62 LH,SDFEC2,Coherent wDCM,Tunable,Extended C Band,50GHz
03032BXT 100G CFPT65 Metro,SDFEC2,Coherent wDCM,Tunable,expanded C Band,50GHz
03032CDF NE08E-S6E FAN
03032CHT 550W AC Power Board,NO Power Backup
03032CRD 8-Port 2/4 Wire and E M Processing Board
03032CRE 12-Port FXS/FXO Processing Board
03032CRN 2-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Physical Interface Card H
03032CRP 8-Port 100/1000Base-X-SFP Physical Interface Card H
03032CRQ DDN Processing Board
03032CXL-001 100Gbit/s Line Service Processing Board SLH,SDFEC,Coherent,Tunable,50GHz
03032CYL DC Power Supply Unit
03032CYM DC Power Supply Unit
03032DUC 1 100G/200G Programmable Wavelength Conversion Board 1000ps,SDFEC,Coherent,Tunable
03032DVF S7703,Main Control Unit A Optional Clock
03032DVG S7706/S7712,Main Control Unit A Optional clock
03032ELP Fan Box
03032ELP-001 Fan Box
03032FRP AC power Board,Power Backup
03032FVF Front IO module type D 8HDD
03032GKY 1-Port 100GBase-CFP2 Flexible Card A P120-A
03032GLA 1-Port 100GBase-CFP2 Flexible Card A P240-A
03032GLB 1-Port 100GBase-CFP2 Flexible Card BP100
03032GLC 1-Port 100GBase-CFP2 Flexible Card BP240
03032JFC 1 100G/200G Programmable Wavelength Conversion Board 2000ps,SDFEC,Coherent,Tunable
03032JVD 12-Port 10G OTN/ETH-SFP+ Flexible Card
03032JVE 24-Port 1000M/10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Flexible Card
03032KLR 10-Port 100/1000Base-X-SFP Physical Interface Card E PIC-E
03032KLS 2-Port 10GBase LAN/WAN-SFP+ Physical Interface Card E PIC-E
03032KLT 20-Port 100/1000Base-X-CSFP/10-Port 100/1000Base-X-SFP Physical Interface Card
03032MPF 100Gbit/s Line Service Processing Board SDFEC2,Coherent,Tunable,LC
03032MUS Fan Speed Controlling and Monitoring Board
03032NDW 100Gbit/s Line Service Processing Board Metro,SDFEC2,wDCM,Coherent,Tunable,LC
03032NQP 4x2M Optical Interface,8xE1 Electrical Interface Board
03032NQQ 16xE1 Electrical Interface Board
03032QBS 8-Channel Optical Add/Drop Multiplexing Board 192.9/193.0/193.1/193.2/193
03032SFT Line Monitor Unit
03032SJQ Dual 20-ports wavelength selective multiplexing and demultiplexing board
03032SRH 2-port 10GE/GE Uplink Interface Card,Support 1588v2 Function
03032SUA 9032 PCIe Resource Expansion Enclosure FIO Board FIOG
03032TNN Front IO Module Type B 24HDD
03032TUD 1-Port 100GBase-CFP2 Flexible Card P240
03032UAU Compute Module-A Type With CM-A Front Panel
03032UDR 32xE1/T1 Tributary Service Process Board
03032UDS 32xE1/T1 Electrical Interface Switching Board
03032UDT 32xE1/T1 tributary board With Protection
03032UXP 2-port GE Optical Interface Card
03033734 32-Channel, 48V Analog Subscriber Board
03034709 Maintenance Interface and TOD Unit
03035565 Rear-access Highway Convert Board for Master Frame
03037098 System Auxiliary Interface Board
03037355 Dual Booster Amplifier Board-6dBm-+3dBm,14dBm
03037356 Dual Booster Amplifier Board-6dBm-+3dBm,17dBm
03037357 Booster Amplifier Board-6dBm-+3dBm,14dBm,LC
03037358 Booster Amplifier Board-6dBm-+3dBm,17dBm,LC
03037362 Optical Booster Pre-amplifier Board
03037641 Secondary Power Board
03038480 System Auxiliary Interface Board
03038900 E1 Digital Trunk Board Shielded
03038934 Packet Voice Module
03039068 Rear-access Highway Transfer Board for Slave Frame
03039201 Front-access Highway Transfer Board for Extended Frame
03039289 Power Interface Board
03039324 32-channel,25mA,Reverse Polarity Analog Subscriber Line Board
03050870 8-port 10/100M BaseF Ethernet Interface Board 100Base-SX,1310-LC
03050871 8-port 10/100M BaseF Ethernet Interface Board 100Base-LX,1310-LC
03051791 2-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet Switching Processing Board 10GBASE-LR/LW
03052111 8xFE/21xE1/120ohm T1/100ohm /2xSTM-1 S-1.1,LC Integrated System Control Unit
03052112 8xFE/21xE1/120ohm T1/100ohm /2xSTM-1 L-1.1,LC Integrated System Control Unit
03052113 8xFE/21xE1/75ohm/2xSTM-1 S-1.1,LC Integrated System Control Unit,ESFP Opitcal
03052114 8xFE/21xE1/75ohm/2xSTM-1 L-1.1,LC Integrated System Control Unit,ESFP Opitcal
03052115 8xFE/21xE1/120ohm T1/100ohm /2xSTM-4 S-4.1,LC Integrated System Control Unit
03052116 8xFE/21xE1/120ohm T1/100ohm /2xSTM-4 L-4.1,LC Integrated System Control Unit
03052117 21xE1/120ohm T1/100ohm /2xSTM-1 S-1.1,LC Integrated System Control Unit,ESFP
03052118 21xE1/120ohm T1/100ohm /2xSTM-1 L-1.1,LC Integrated System Control Unit,ESFP
03052119 21xE1/75ohm/2xSTM-1 S-1.1,LC Integrated System Control Unit,ESFP Opitcal Module
03052120 21xE1/75ohm/2xSTM-1 L-1.1,LC Integrated System Control Unit,ESFP Opitcal Module
03052121 21xE1/120ohm T1/100ohm /2xSTM-4 S-4.1,LC Integrated System Control Unit,ESFP
03052122 21xE1/120ohm T1/100ohm /2xSTM-4 L-4.1,LC Integrated System Control Unit,ESFP
03052225 8xFE/21xE1/75ohm/2xSTM-4 S-4.1,LC Integrated System Control Unit,ESFP Opitcal
03052226 8xFE/21xE1/75ohm/2xSTM-4 L-4.1,LC Integrated System Control Unit,ESFP Opitcal
03052227 21xE1/75ohm/2xSTM-4 S-4.1,LC Integrated System Control Unit,ESFP Opitcal Module
03052228 21xE1/75ohm/2xSTM-4 L-4.1,LC Integrated System Control Unit,ESFP Opitcal Module
03052498 STM-16 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board I-16,LC
03052499 STM-16 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board S-16.1,LC
03052500 STM-16 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board L-16.1,LC
03052501 STM-16 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board L-16.2,LC
03052502 STM-4 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board S-4.1,LC
03052503 STM-4 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board L-4.1,LC
03052504 STM-4 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board L-4.2,LC
03052506 STM-4 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board I-4,LC
03052507 STM-1 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board S-1.1,LC
03052508 STM-1 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board L-1.1,LC
03052509 STM-1 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board L-1.2,LC
03052510 STM-1 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board Ve-1.2,LC
03052511 STM-1 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board I-1,LC
03052522 4xSTM-4 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board S-4.1,LC
03052523 4xSTM-4 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board L-4.1,LC
03052524 4xSTM-4 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board L-4.2,LC
03052526 4xSTM-4 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board I-4,LC
03052527 4xSTM-1 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board S-1.1,LC
03052528 4xSTM-1 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board L-1.1,LC
03052529 4xSTM-1 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board L-1.2,LC
03052530 4xSTM-1 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board Ve-1.2,LC
03052531 4xSTM-1 System Control,Cross-connect,Optical Interface Board I-1,LC
03052710 STM-1 System Control,20G TDM and 8G Packet Switching,Optical Interface Board
03052711 STM-1 System Control,20G TDM and 8G Packet Switching,Optical Interface Board
03052712 STM-1 System Control,20G TDM and 8G Packet Switching,Optical Interface Board
03052714 STM-16 System Control,20G TDM and 8G Packet Switching,Optical Interface Board
03052715 STM-16 System Control,20G TDM and 8G Packet Switching,Optical Interface Board
03052716 STM-16 System Control,20G TDM and 8G Packet Switching,Optical Interface Board
03052717 STM-4 System Control,20G TDM and 8G Packet Switching,Optical Interface Board
03052718 STM-4 System Control,20G TDM and 8G Packet Switching,Optical Interface Board
03052719 STM-4 System Control,20G TDM and 8G Packet Switching,Optical Interface Board
03052720 STM-4 System Control,20G TDM and 8G Packet Switching,Optical Interface Board
03052874 16-port Gigabit Ethernet Switching Processing Board 1000BASE-SX,I-850-LC
03052875 16-port Gigabit Ethernet Switching Processing Board 1000BASE-LX,I-1310-LC
03052877 4xSTM-64 Optical Interface Board I-64.1,LC
03052879 4xSTM-64 Optical Interface Board S-64.2b,LC
03052880 8xSTM-16 Optical Interface Board I-16,LC
03052881 8xSTM-16 Optical Interface Board S-16.1,LC
03052882 8xSTM-16 Optical Interface Board L-16.1,LC
03052883 8xSTM-16 Optical Interface Board L-16.2,LC
03052885 8xSTM-1 8xSTM-4 Optical Interface Board S-1.1 S-4.1,LC
03052886 16xSTM-1 Optical Interface Board S-1.1,LC
03052888 16xSTM-4 Optical Interface Board S-4.1,LC
03052966 2xSTM-64 Optical Interface Board S-64.2b,LC
03052968 4xSTM-16 Optical Interface Board I-16,LC
03052969 4xSTM-16 Optical Interface Board S-16.1,LC
03052970 4xSTM-16 Optical Interface Board L-16.1,LC
03052971 4xSTM-16 Optical Interface Board L-16.2,LC
03052973 2xSTM-64 out-of-band FEC Optical Interface Board Ue-64.2c-e
03052974 STM-64 out-of-band FEC Optical Interface Board Ue-64.2c-e
03052978 1xSTM-64 Optical Interface Board I-64.1,LC
03052979 1xSTM-64 Optical Interface Board P1L1-2D2,LC
03052980 1xSTM-64 Optical Interface Board S-64.2b,LC
03052982 1xSTM-64 Optical Interface Board V-64.2b,LC
03053034 16-port Gigabit Ethernet Switching Processing Board 2 1000BASE-T
03053035 16-port Gigabit Ethernet Switching Processing Board 2 1000BASE-T
03053052 2xSTM-64 Optical Interface Board I-64.1,LC
03053131 ME60-X16 Main Processing Unit B4
03053132 ME60-X8 Switch and Route Processing Unit A4
03053133 ME60-X16 Switch Fabric Unit B
03053134 ME60-X8 Switch Fabric Unit C
03053149 4 FE RJ45 /2 GE SFP Fast/Gigabit Ethernet Board with switch function 1000BaseSX
03053150 4 FE RJ45 /2 GE SFP Fast/Gigabit Ethernet Board with switch function 1000BaseLX
03053164 4xSTM-1 Optical Interface Board S-1.1,LC
03053165 4xSTM-4 Optical Interface Board L-4.1,LC
03053166 12xSTM-1 Optical Interface Board L-1.1 LC
03053167 4xSTM-4 Optical Interface Board L-4.2,LC
03053168 12xSTM-1 Optical Interface Board L-1.2 LC
03053170 12xSTM-1 Optical Interface Board S-1.1 LC
03053171 4xSTM-1 Optical Interface Board L-1.1,LC
03053172 4xSTM-1 Optical Interface Board L-1.2,LC
03053174 2xSTM-4 Optical Interface Board S-4.1,LC
03053175 2xSTM-4 Optical Interface Board L-4.1,LC
03053176 2xSTM-4 Optical Interface Board L-4.2,LC
03053178 STM-4 Optical Interface Board S-4.1,LC
03053179 STM-4 Optical Interface Board L-4.1,LC
03053180 STM-4 Optical Interface Board L-4.2,LC
03053181 STM-4 Optical Interface Board Ve-4.2,LC
03053182 STM-1 Optical Interface Board S-1.1,LC
03053183 STM-1 Optical Interface Board L-1.1,LC
03053184 STM-1 Optical Interface Board L-1.2,LC
03053186 4xSTM-4 Optical Interface Board S-4.1,LC
03053202 4 FE RJ45 /2 GE SFP Fast/Gigabit Ethernet Board with switch function 1000BaseT
03053220 1xSTM-64 Optical Interface Board Le-64.2,LC
03053250 4-Channel 622M/155M SDH Optical Interface Ethernet Dual-Plane Multiple-Function
03053251 4-Channel 622M/155M SDH Optical Interface Ethernet Dual-Plane Multiple-Function
03053252 4-Channel 622M/155M SDH Optical Interface Ethernet Dual-Plane Multiple-Function
03053255 4-Channel 622M/155M SDH Optical Interface Ethernet Dual-Plane Multiple-Function
03053256 4-Channel 622M/155M SDH Optical Interface Ethernet Dual-Plane Multiple-Function
03053257 4-Channel 622M/155M SDH Optical Interface Ethernet Dual-Plane Multiple-Function
03053259 2 622M 2 155M SDH Optical Interface Ethernet Dual-Plane Multiple-Function
03053262 4-Channel Channelized 155M CES Optical Interface Board S-1.1,LC
03053263 4-Channel Channelized 155M CES Optical Interface Board L-1.1,LC
03053264 4-Channel Channelized 155M CES Optical Interface Board L-1.2,LC
03053296 4xSTM-1 Optical Interface Board S-1.1,LC
03053297 4xSTM-1 Optical Interface Board L-1.1,LC
03053298 4xSTM-1 Optical Interface Board L-1.2,LC
03053300 2xSTM-4 Optical Interface Board S-4.1,LC
03053306 2xSTM-4 Optical Interface Board L-4.1,LC
03053307 2xSTM-4 Optical Interface Board L-4.2,LC
03053310 1xSTM-1 Optical Interface Board S-1.1,LC
03053311 1xSTM-1 Optical Interface Board L-1.1,LC
03053312 1xSTM-1 Optical Interface Board L-1.2,LC
03053313 8xFE/21xE1/120ohm T1/100ohm /2xSTM-1 S-1.1,LC Integrated System Control Unit,ESFP
03053314 1xSTM-4 Optical Interface Board S-4.1,LC
03053315 1xSTM-4 Optical Interface Board L-4.1,LC
03053316 1xSTM-4 Optical Interface Board L-4.2,LC
03053317 1xSTM-4 Optical Interface Board Ve-4.2,LC
03053320 8xFE/21xE1/120ohm T1/100ohm /2xSTM-4 S-4.1,LC Integrated System Control Unit,ESFP
03053376 8xFE/21xE1/120ohm T1/100ohm /2xSTM-1 L-1.1,LC Integrated System Control Unit,ESFP
03053377 8xFE/21xE1/120ohm T1/100ohm /2xSTM-4 L-4.1,LC Integrated System Control Unit,ESFP
03053397 2xSTM-1 L-1.2,LC Optical Interface Board-ESFP Optical Module
03053398 8xSTM-1 Optical Interface Board S-1.1,LC
03053399 8xSTM-1 Optical Interface Board L-1.1,LC
03053400 8xSTM-1 Optical Interface Board L-1.2,LC
03053413 8 ports Channelized STM-1 CES Optical Interface board L-1.2,LC
03053441 32 Channels Smart E1 Interface Processing Board 75ohm
03053442 32 Channels Smart E1 Interface Processing Board 120ohm
03053443 16 Channels Smart E1 Interface Processing Board 75ohm
03053444 16 Channels Smart E1 Interface Processing Board 120ohm
03053445 2-port 10Gigabit Ethernet Switching and Processing Board 10GBASE-LR/LW,1310-LC
03053477 8 ports Channelized STM-1 CES Optical Interface board S-1.1,LC
03053478 8 ports Channelized STM-1 CES Optical Interface board L-1.1,LC
03053484 Multi-protocol 32 Channels E1 Interface Processing Board 120ohm
03053485 Multi-protocol 32 Channels E1 Interface Processing Board 75ohm
03053488 4 FE RJ45 /2 GE RJ45 Fast/Gigabit Ethernet Board with switch function
03053491 2xSTM-4 L-4.2,LC Optical Interface Board-ESFP Optical Module
03053492 4xSTM-1 L-1.2,LC Optical Interface Board-ESFP Optical Module
03053547 200Gbps Switch Fabric Unit B SFUI-200-B
03053548 200Gbps Switch Fabric Unit C SFUI-200-C
03053549 Switch and Route Processing Unit A5
03052588 Universal Service Interface
Huawei OptiX OSN for sale


1COM stocks Huawei OSN8800 and OSN9800 NS4
Both FEC soft-decision FEC-2 ‘SDFEC2’ and soft-decision FEC ‘SDFEC’
Hard-decision FEC is ‘HFEC’ schemes
FEC Functions OTU, tributary boards,line boards, and have forward error correction ‘FEC’ function.
The FEC, HFEC, SDFEC, SDFEC2, AFEC and AFEC2 reduce the bit error rate ‘BER’ during OSN transmission, and enhances the quality of the transmission signal of the DWDM network
The High-Performance-Forward-Error-Correction ‘HFEC’ function and the Soft-Decision-Forward-Error-Correction ‘SDFEC’ and ‘SDFEC2″ and Advanced- Forward-Error-Correction ‘AFEC’ function, and AFEC2 function.
FEC, HFEC, SDFEC, SDFEC2, AFEC and AFEC2 OSN System requirements are at the receiving end, extending the transmission distance between the optical amplifier section and the re-generator section.
1COM stocks Huawei OSN8800 and OSN9800 NS4
Huawei NS4
TN54TSC xx
Huawei NS4
1COM stocks Huawei OSN8800 and OSN9800 NS4

Huawei TN11LQCP LQCP for sale

Huawei TN11LQCP OSN8800 OSN9800 LQCP
4*100Gbit/s or 16*10Gbit/s Service Programmable Wavelength Conversion Board
8800 V100R013C00 9800 V100R006C10

Huawei TN11LQCP OSN8800 OSN9800 LQCP
Huawei TN11LQCP OSN8800 OSN9800 LQCP


Huawei NE5000E NE9000 SIG9800 LPUf Flexible Card Line Processing Unit

Huawei NE5000E NE9000 SIG9800 LPUf Flexible Card Line Processing Unit
CR5DLPUFT060 1T Flexible Card Line Processing Unit (NE5000E LPUF-1T-A,2 sub-slots)
CR5DLPUFME70 Flexible Card Line Processing Unit E (LPUF-480-E)
CR5DLPUFME71 Flexible Card Line Processing Unit E (LPUF-480-E)
CR5DLPUFK061 400G Flexible Card Line Processing Unit (NE5000E LPUF-400.2 sub-slots)
CR5DLPUFM070 Flexible Card Line Processing Unit (LPUF-480)
CR5DLPUFM071 Flexible Card Line Processing Unit (LPUF-480)
CR9DLPUFK081 480G Flexible Card Line Processing Unit C (NE9000 LPUF-480C,2 sub-slots)
IG2DLPUFF001 Flexible Card Line Processing Unit (LPUF-240)
CR5DLPUFM07B Flexible Card Line Processing Unit B (LPUF-480-B)
CR5DLPUFM17B Flexible Card Line Processing Unit B (LPUF-480-B)
CR5DLPUFA060 100G Flexible Card Line Processing Unit (NE5000E LPUF-100.4 sub-slots)
CR5DLPUFF07E Flexible Card Line Processing Unit (LPUF-240-E)
CR5DLPUFF17E Flexible Card Line Processing Unit (LPUF-241-E)
CR5DLPUFF070 Flexible Card Line Processing Unit (LPUF-240)
CR5DLPUFF170 Flexible Card Line Processing Unit (LPUF-241)
IG2DLPUFA000 Flexible Card Line Processing Unit (LPUF-101)
IG2DLPUFB001 Flexible Card Line Processing Unit (LPUF-120)
Huawei NE5000E NE9000 SIG9800 LPUf Flexible Card Line Processing Unit

Huawei DBS3900 Spare parts list

Huawei DBS3900 Spare parts list for sale

Download spreadsheet here>>>Huawei DBS3900-Spare-Parts-Catalogue

Part Number Part Description Part Name SPC Unit Type
03020HRY Filter Moniter Unit AFMU A Power Cabinets
02400426 Power Distribution Cabinet, 220V, 50/60HZ, 22000mA, EPS90-4830AC Power Subrack (AC/DC) A Power Cabinets
02130608 PSU Module (AC/DC) PSU (AC/DC) R Power Cabinets
19020126 Antenna Feeder Arrester, 8KA, Residual Voltage 15V, 1200-1600MHz, 100W, N-M/N-F, Long Connector GPS Lightning Arrester R Power Cabinets
33010296 Temperature Sensor, 12V-28VDC, -20-80degC, +/-0.5degC, 420mA, Battery Temperature Sensor, Chinese datasheet, with H2(2.5)terminal Temperature Sensor R Power Cabinets
02120466 APM30 Power Distribute Unit,220VAC Three Phase Input,DBS PDU R Power Cabinets
02120483 APM Power Distribute Unit,110VAC Dual-live-wire Input,DBS PDU R Power Cabinets
02315111 PMU Module PMU R Power Cabinets
03020FKK Monitor unit Interface Board APMI A Power Cabinets
32010084 FAN, 36V, 75V, 24.96W/36.96W, 4.347m^3/min, 92*92*38, 450mm, PWM, 4PIN FAN R Power Cabinets
03020LNL Temperature Sensor Interface Board Temperature Sensor R Power Cabinets
03020FDR Fan Interface Unit Fan Interface Unit A Power Cabinets
33010293 Smoke Sensor,24V,Two Line, photoelectric Smoke Sensor, HotBar Smoke Sensor A Power Cabinets
33010089 Liquid Level Sensor Liquid Level Sensor A Power Cabinets
32030077 Fan, 36V, 57V, 175*69mm, 600mm, 4Pin, 34W, 565m3/h FAN R Power Cabinets
21160970 Heat exchanger core Heat exchanger core A Power Cabinets
03020KUK Hert Power Monitor Interface Board HPMI A Power Cabinets
03020HJV Heat Exchange Unit HEUA A Power Cabinets
02120559 FAN 02A, 303 Fan Box R Power Cabinets
97051086 Integrated Equipment,Heat dissipation parts for out circle of HEX,Heat dissipation parts for HX02T-20Db–36V-60V-2750RPM FAN R Power Cabinets
03020ERR Electronic Label Identity ELU A Power Cabinets
02351461 APM HEATING SHELF Heater A Power Cabinets
02351730 Heater Unit Heater A Power Cabinets
02400462 Power Distribution Cabinet,110V,50/60Hz,38900mA,EPS 01D,DBS EPS Subrack A Power Cabinets
02400460 Power Distribution Cabinet,220V,50/60Hz,38900mA,EPS 01B,DBS EPS Subrack A Power Cabinets
21160997 HERT MPE V200R303 Heat exchanger core Heat exchanger core A Power Cabinets
02317275 PMU Module PMU R Power Cabinets
02400431 Power System Backplane Frame,24V,297000mA,EPS24S48100DC Power Supply Socket EPS Subrack A Power Cabinets
02270084 PSU Module (DC/DC) PSU (DC/DC) R Power Cabinets
02120616 FAN 02B,303V.C FAN Box R Power Cabinets
97051161 Integrated System Spare Part-Fan-21161063–36V~-60V-3050RPM-80W FAN R Power Cabinets
32030092 DC Fan,36V-60V,D175*69mm, 600mm,4PIN,78W,410CFM FAN R Power Cabinets
02400549 EPU03A-03 EPU (AC/DC) A Power Cabinets
02400551 EPU03A-05 EPU (AC/DC) A Power Cabinets
02319890 PSU (AC/DC) PSU (AC/DC) R Power Cabinets
19020140 Power SPD,60KA,1500V, 150VAC-255VAC,Terminal connection,Guideway Mounting AC surge protector A Power Cabinets
19020139 Power SPD,60KA,2000V, 150VAC-385VAC,Terminal connection,Guideway Mounting AC surge protector A Power Cabinets
33010007 Door Magnetic Switch, Always Open, Covert Installation Type, 50.8*14.3*12.7mm Door Magnetic Switch A Power Cabinets
32030121 Fan,36V,60V,D225*99mm,600mm,4Pin,125W,750CFM Fan R Power Cabinets
02310FRB Cabinet Control Unit CCU R Power Cabinets
03021GLJ Central Monitor Unit CMUF R Power Cabinets
02120652 FAU02D-07,TP48600A,V.A Fan box R Power Cabinets
01071262 ETP48400 ETP A Power Cabinets
02310HBJ R4850G2 1U 2900W Rectifier PSU R Power Cabinets
02310GWL Power Monitor Unit PMU R Power Cabinets
02120655 Power Distribution Unit PDU05A A Power Cabinets
04070037 Single Cable,1.2m,H4(2.5), 3*22UL3385B,Sensor33010116 Temperature Sensor A Power Cabinets
02230EPV HAU01A-01 HAU A Power Cabinets
02120619 DCDU-11C DCDU-11C R Power Cabinets
03020FDR Fan Interface Unit Fan Interface Unit A Transmission Cabinets
02120472 DC Power Distribution Unit DCDU-03B R Transmission Cabinets
02120479 DC Power Distribution Unit DCDU-03C R Transmission Cabinets
03020FKK Monitor unit Interface Board APMI A Transmission Cabinets
32010084 FAN, 36V, 75V, 24.96W/36.96W, 4.347m^3/min, 92*92*38, 450mm, PWM, 4PIN FAN R Transmission Cabinets
03020LNL Temperature Sensor Interface Board Temperature Sensor Interface Board R Transmission Cabinets
03020HRY Filter Moniter Unit AFMU A Transmission Cabinets
32030077 Fan, 36V, 57V, 175*69mm, 600mm, 4Pin, 34W, 565m3/h Fan R Transmission Cabinets
03020HJV Heat Exchange Unit HEUA A Transmission Cabinets
21160970 Heat exchanger core Heat exchanger core A Transmission Cabinets
03020KUK Hert Power Monitor Interface Board HPMI A Transmission Cabinets
03020ERR Electronic Label Identity ELU A Transmission Cabinets
02351461 APM HEATING SHELF Heater A Transmission Cabinets
02351730 Heater Unit Heater A Transmission Cabinets
21160997 HERT MPE V200R303 Heat exchanger core Heat exchanger core A Transmission Cabinets
02120559 FAN 02A, 303 Fan Box R Transmission Cabinets
97051086 Integrated Equipment,Heat dissipation parts for out circle of HEX,Heat dissipation parts for HX02T-20Db-36V-60V-2750RPM FAN R Transmission Cabinets
02120616 FAN 02B,303V.C FAN Box R Transmission Cabinets
97051161 Integrated System Spare Part-Fan-21161063–36V~-60V-3050RPM-80W FAN R Transmission Cabinets
32030092 DC Fan,36V-60V,D175*69mm, 600mm,4PIN,78W,410CFM FAN R Transmission Cabinets
02120618 DCDU-11B DCDU-11B R Transmission Cabinets
02120619 DCDU-11C DCDU-11C R Transmission Cabinets
33010007 Door Magnetic Switch, Always Open, Covert Installation Type, 50.8*14.3*12.7mm Door Magnetic Switch A Transmission Cabinets
33010285 Temperature Sensor, 12V-28VDC, -20-0degC, +/-0.5degC, 4-20mA, Battery Temperature Sensor R Battery Cabinets
21160927 TEC Air-condition TEC Air-Condition A Battery Cabinets
03020ERR Electronic Label Identity ELU A Battery Cabinets
03020NXE Central Monitor Unit CMUA A Battery Cabinets
21161003 HERT MPE V200R303 TEC air-condition TEC Air-Condition A Battery Cabinets
02237359 Film Heater,AC 220V,100W,For Battery Cabinet Heater A Battery Cabinets
33010296 Temperature Sensor, 12V-28VDC, -20-80degC, +/-0.5degC, 4-20mA, Battery Temperature Sensor, Chinese datasheet, with H2(2.5)terminal Temperature Sensor R Battery Cabinets
32030086 DC Fan,36V-75V, 92mm*92mm*25.4mm,600mm,4PIN,10W,79CFM FAN R Battery Cabinets
04070037 Single Cable,1.2m,H4(2.5), 3*22UL3385B,Sensor33010116 Temperature Sensor A Battery Cabinets
03020YXP Central Monitor Unit CMUE A Battery Cabinets
33010007 Door Magnetic Switch, Always Open, Covert Installation Type, 50.8*14.3*12.7mm Door Magnetic Switch A Battery Cabinets
32030092 DC Fan,36V-60V,D175*69mm, 600mm,4PIN,78W,410CFM Fan R Battery Cabinets
02310FRB Cabinet Control Unit CCU R Battery Cabinets
03021GLJ Central Monitor Unit CMUF R Battery Cabinets
21161061 HERT MPE V200R305 TEC air-condition TEC Air-Condition R Battery Cabinets
19030143 Fuse Core,NT2 Fuse,690V, 400A, 150mmL*58mmW*68mmH, IEC 60269,-5degC,50KA/AC, 100KA/DC,TUV FUSE R Battery Cabinets
04070038 Single Cable,1.7m,H4(2.5), 3*22UL3385B,Sensor33010116 Temperature Sensor A Battery Cabinets
02230EPV HAU01A-01 HAU A Battery Cabinets
03020FDR Fan Interface Unit Fan Interface Unit A Battery Cabinets
16020287 Breaker,Magnetic Breaker, 80VDC,20A,1 pole,600A, Medium Characteristics, 19*39*48,No Auxiliary Contacts,Panel Insertion Installation,Rocker,Mis-Operation Protection,ON/OFF and 0/1 on the Rocker,Electric Current Identifier on the Panel Magnetic Breaker A Battery Cabinets
24020678 12AH Battery (12V) Storage Battery A Battery Cabinets
24020680 Rechargeable battery,VRLA battery(front access),48V,50Ah,battery group(12V monobloc),single cell 390*105*227mm-Narada Storage Battery A Battery Cabinets
24020701 Rechargeable battery,VRLA battery(front access),48V,50Ah,battery group(12V monobloc),single cell 390*105*203mm-Coslight Storage Battery A Battery Cabinets
24020684 Rechargeable battery,VRLA battery(front access),48V,92Ah,battery group(12V monobloc),single cell 390*105*287mm-Narada Storage Battery A Battery Cabinets
24020700 Rechargeable battery,VRLA battery(front access),48V,92Ah,battery group(12V monobloc),single cell 393*108*287mm-Coslight Storage Battery A Battery Cabinets
24020391 92AH Battery (12V) Storage Battery A Battery Cabinets
02112722 HERT BBU Box BBU Box A BBU
34060287 Optical Transceiver, SFP, 1310nm, STM1, -19~-14dBm, -30dBm, LC, MM, 2km Optical Module R BBU
34060286 Optical Transceiver, eSFP, 850nm, 2.125Gb/s(Multi rate), -9.5~-2.5dBm, -17dBm, LC, MM, 0.5km Optical Module R BBU
34060473 Optical transceiver, eSFP, 1310nm, 1.25Gb/s, -9~-3dBm, -20dBm, LC, Single Mode, 10km Optical Module R BBU
34060365 Optical Transceiver,eSFP, 850nm,4.25G multi-rate,-9dBm~-1.1dBm,-15dBm,LC,MM,0.3km Optical Module R BBU
34060276 Optical Transceiver, eSFP,1310nm, STM1,-15~-8dBm,-31dBm,LC,SM,15km Optical Module R BBU
34060290 Optical Transceiver,eSFP,1310nm, 1.25Gb/s,-9.5~-3dBm,-20dBm,LC(-40-85),SM,10km Optical Module R BBU
34060607 XFP|SFP+ Transceiver,SFP+, 850nm,6.144G,-9dBm,-1dBm,-11.5dBm,LC,MMF 50/125um,0.3km Optical Module R BBU
02120577 2U Fan Module FAN R BBU
02315639 Universal Environment Interface control Unit UEIU R BBU
02319897 -48V  Power and Environment interface Unitt UPEU R BBU
03020JLT Universal Synchronization Clock Unit Supporting GPS and BITS USCU R BBU
03020JUT Universal Satellite Clock Unit USCU R BBU
03020GXW Universal Satellite card and Clock Unit type B1(8HP),Without K161 Satellite Card(With Install Accessory) USCU R BBU
03052995 Universal BaseBand Radio Interface Board (6 CPRI interface) UBRI R BBU
03052207 Iub IP Interface Unit (2 FE/GE Optical) UTRP2 R BBU
03052087 Iub ATM Interface Unit (8 E1) UTRP3 R BBU
03052088 Iub IP Interface Unit (8 E1) UTRP4 R BBU
03053213 GSM TDM/IP Packet over E1/T1 Interface Unit UTRPb4 R BBU
03052556 Iub ATM Interface Unit (1 Unchannelized STM-1) UTRP6 R BBU
03052211 Iub IP Interface Unit (4 FE/GE Electrical) UTRP9 R BBU
03021FLT Universal Extension Transmission Processing Unit type C(6FE/GE) UTRPc R BBU
03020JQE WCDMA Main Control Unit (4 E1&1 Electrical FE&1 Optical FE) WMPT R BBU
03030LPM Main Control and Transport unit (4E1&1 electrical FE&1 optical FE) GTMU R BBU
03020PSQ Baseband Processing Unit (3Cell, CE:UL64/DL64) WBBPb R BBU
03020PSR Baseband Processing Unit (3Cell, CE:UL128/DL128) WBBPb R BBU
03020PSS Baseband Processing Unit (6Cell, CE:UL256/DL256) WBBPb R BBU
03020JVJ Baseband Processing Unit (6Cell, CE:UL384/DL384) WBBPb R BBU
03020SSA Baseband Processing Unit (6Cell, CE:UL192/DL192) WBBPd R BBU
03020QYR Baseband Processing Unit (6Cell, CE:UL384/DL384) WBBPd R BBU
03020XCN Baseband Processing Unit (6Cell, CE:UL256/DL256) WBBPd R BBU
03021HPN Baseband Processing Unit ( CE:UL192/DL384) WBBPf R BBU
03021HPP Baseband Processing Unit (CE:UL256/DL384) WBBPf R BBU
03021HPQ Baseband Processing Unit (CE:UL384/DL768) WBBPf R BBU
03021HPR Baseband Processing Unit (CE:UL512/DL768) WBBPf R BBU
03020UAQ LTE Baseband Processing Unit C LBBPc R BBU
03021HPH LTE Baseband Processing and Interface Unit(3*20M 2T2R) LBBPd R BBU
03021HPJ LTE Baseband Processing and Interface Unit(3*20M 4T4R) LBBPd R BBU
03020MLG LTE Main Processing & Transmission Unit (with GPS Card) LMPT R BBU
03053947 Universal Main Processing & Transmission unit with 4E1 and 2FE/GE interface UMPTa1 R BBU
03054153 Universal Main Processing & Transmission Unit (4 E1&1 Electrical FE/GE&1 Optical FE/GE,UMPTa6) UMPTa6 R BBU
03054154 Universal Main Processing & Transmission unit with 4E1 and 2FE/GE interface UMPTa2 R BBU
03021AND HERT BBU, WD22UCIU, Universal Casecading Interface Unit, 1*1 UCIU R BBU
02315686 Antenna and TMA Control Unit GATM R BBU
02316780 RRU3004 900MHz PGSM RRU3004 R RRU
02316781 RRU3004 900MHz EGSM RRU3004 R RRU
02317108 RRU3004 900MHz RGSM RRU3004 R RRU
02316779 RRU3004 1800MHz RRU3004 R RRU
02315816 RRU3008 900MHz PGSM RRU3008 V1 R RRU
02317774 RRU3008 900MHz EGSM RRU3008 V1 R RRU
02317753 RRU3008 1800MHz A RRU3008 V1 R RRU
02317757 RRU3008 1800MHz B RRU3008 V1 R RRU
02316201 RRU3008 850MHz RRU3008 V1 R RRU
02316196 RRU3008 1900MHz A RRU3008 V1 R RRU
02316198 RRU3008 1900MHz B RRU3008 V1 R RRU
02317029 RRU3008 1800MHz A RRU3008 V1 R RRU
02317030 RRU3008 1800MHz B RRU3008 V1 R RRU
02318965 RRU3008 V2 900MHz PGSM RRU3008 V2 R RRU
02318148 RRU3008 V2 900MHz EGSM RRU3008 V2 R RRU
02316791 RRU for WCDMA 2100MHz (60W) RRU3804 R RRU
02317520 RRU for WCDMA 1900 MHz (60W) RRU3804 R RRU
02317570 RRU for WCDMA AWS (60W) RRU3804 R RRU
02315927 RRU for WCDMA 850MHz (60W) RRU3804 R RRU
02315940 RRU for WCDMA/LTE 2100MHz (2*40W) RRU3808 R RRU
02319433 RRU for WCDMA/LTE AWS (2*40W ) RRU3808 R RRU
02310EAP Distributed Base Station Radio Remote Unit(220V AC,EDHT 80W,2100M,With Mount Accessories) RRU3806 R RRU
02319575 RRU for WCDMA 2100 MHz (80W) RRU3806 R RRU
02315169 RRU for WCDMA 1900MHz (40W) RRU3801C R RRU
02314584 RRU for WCDMA 850MHz (40W) RRU3801C R RRU
02314586 RRU for WCDMA 900MHz (40W) RRU3801C R RRU
02315936 RRU for WCDMA 2100 MHz (40W) RRU3801E R RRU
02317609 RRU for WCDMA 1900MHz (40W) RRU3801E R RRU
02318195 RRU for WCDMA 850MHz (40W) RRU3801E R RRU
02319270 RRU for WCDMA 1900 MHz (60W) RRU3804C R RRU
02316964 Distributed Base Station Radio Remote Unit(-48V,EDHT 60W,850M.B,Without Mount Accessories) RRU3804C R RRU
02317245 RRU for LTE 2600M C (2*40W) RRU3201 R RRU
02318876 RRU for LTE 2600M D (2*40W) RRU3201 R RRU
02318910 RRU for LTE 2600M E (2*40W) RRU3201 R RRU
02316822 RRU for LTE 700M (2*40W) RRU3201 R RRU
02317466 RRU for LTE AWS (2*40W) RRU3201 R RRU
02310CSF LRRU V3,Single-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit RRU3221 R RRU
02310BTL RRU for LTE 700M (2*40W) RRU3203 R RRU
02319445 MRRU V2, Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX791-806MHz/RX832-847MHz,-48VDC,2.5G) RRU3220 R RRU
02319446 MRRU V2 Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX801-821MHz/RX842-862MHz,-48VDC,2.5G) RRU3220 R RRU
02310AHA RRU for LTE 800M (2*40W) RRU3222 R RRU
02310CYV RRU3240,WD5MLRUC870,LRRU V3,LTE Single-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX2620-2690MHz/RX2500-2570MHz,-48VDC,5G,2T4R,With Installation Kit) RRU3240 R RRU
02317754 RRU for Multi-Mode 1800MHz A RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02317758 RRU for Multi-Mode 1800MHz B RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02316200 RRU for Multi-Mode 1900MHz B RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02316205 RRU for Multi-Mode 900MHz PGSM RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02316266 RRU for Multi-Mode 850MHz RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02316267 RRU for Multi-Mode 1900MHz A RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02316323 MRRU Multi-mode Multi-carriers  Remote Radio Unit (TX925-960MHz/RX880-915MHz,-48VDC,1.25G) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02316324 MRRU Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX925-950MHz/RX880-905MHz, -48VDC,1.25G) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02317164 MRRU Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX1805-1850MHz/RX1710-1755MHz,-48VDC,2.5G) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02317165 MRRU Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX1835-1880MHz/RX1740-1785MHz,-48VDC,2.5G) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02317178 MRRU Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX1950-1990MHz/RX1870-1910MHz,100-240VAC,1.25G) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02316875 MRRU Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX930-955MHz/RX885-910MHz,-48VDC,1.25G) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02317355 MRRU Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX935-960MHz/RX890-915MHz,-48VDC,1.25G) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02317060 MRRU Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX935-960MHz/RX890-915MHz,-48VDC,1.25G) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02317125 MRRU Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX935-960MHz/RX890-915MHz,-48VDC,1.25G) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02317180 MRRU Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX935-960MHz/RX890-915MHz,100-240VAC,1.25G) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02317181 MRRU Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX869-894MHz/RX824-849MHz,100-240VAC,1.25G) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02317182 MRRU Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX1930-1970MHz/RX1850-1890MHz,100-240VAC,1.25G) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02317186 MRRU Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX935-960MHz/RX890-915MHz,100-240VAC,1.25G) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02317211 MRRU Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX1805-1850MHz/RX1710-1755MHz,100-240VAC,2.5G) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02317754 RRU for Multi-Mode 1800MHz A RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02317756 MRRU Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX1805-1850MHz/RX1710-1755MHz,100-240VAC,2.5G) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02317758 RRU for Multi-Mode 1800MHz B RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02317773 MRRU Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX1835-1880MHz/RX1740-1785MHz,100-240VAC,2.5G) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02317777 RRU for Multi-Mode 900MHz EGSM (Bottom 25M) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02317183 MRRU Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX925-960MHz/RX880-915MHz,100-240VAC,1.25G) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02317184 MRRU Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX925-950MHz/RX880-905MHz,100-240VAC,1.25G) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02316743 MRRU Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX1835-1880MHz/RX1740-1785MHz,100-240VAC,2.5G) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02317775 MRRU Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX925-960MHz/RX880-915MHz,-48VDC,1.25G) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02317185 MRRU Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX930-955MHz/RX885-910MHz,100-240VAC,1.25G) RRU3908 V1 R RRU
02319644 MRRU for Multi-Mode 850MHz RRU3908 V2 R RRU
02318969 RRU V2 for Multi-Mode 900MHz PGSM RRU3908 V2 R RRU
02318970 MRRU V2 Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX930-955MHz/RX885-910MHz,-48VDC,2.5G) RRU3908 V2 R RRU
02319527 MRRU V2 Multi-Mode 900MHz PGSM (AC 220V) RRU3908 V2 R RRU
02318968 RRU V2 for Multi-Mode 900MHz EGSM RRU3908 V2 R RRU
02310CGR XRRU V3,Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX925-960MHz/RX880-915MHz,-48VDC,2.5G,2T2R,With Installation Kit) RRU3928 R RRU
02310CGB XRRU V3,Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit (TX1805-1880MHz/RX1710-1785MHz,-48VDC,2.5G,2T2R, With Installation Kit) RRU3928 R RRU
02310CJW XRRU V3,Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX925-960MHz/RX880-915MHz,-48VDC,5G,2T2R,With Installation Kit) RRU3929 R RRU
02310CJV XRRU V3,Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX1805-1880MHz/RX1710-1785MHz,-48VDC,5G,2T2R,With Installation Kit) RRU3929 R RRU
02310EMG RRU3929 for Multi-Mode 900M EGSM RRU3929 R RRU
02310EMK RRU3929 for Multi-Mode 1800MHz RRU3929 R RRU
02310FKA MRRU V3,Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX1839.9-1859.9MHz/ RX1744.9-1764.9MHz,-48VDC, 5G,2T2R,With Installation Kit) RRU3929 R RRU
02310FVL RRU3929 for Multi-Mode 900MHz PGSM RRU3929 R RRU
02310CGS XRRU V3,Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit (TX2110-2170MHz/RX1920-1980MHz,-48VDC,2.5G,2T2R, With Installation Kit) RRU3828 R RRU
02310CKD RRU for WCDMA 2100MHz (2*60W) RRU3829 R RRU
02310EMF XRRU V3,GSM Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX925-960MHz/RX880-915MHz,-48VDC,5G,2T2R,With Installation Kit) RRU3029 R RRU
02310EMH XRRU V3,GSM Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX930-955MHz/RX885-910MHz,-48VDC,5G,2T2R,With Installation Kit) RRU3029 R RRU
02310EMJ XRRU V3,GSM Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX1805-1880MHz/RX1710-1785MHz,-48VDC,5G,2T2R,With Installation Kit) RRU3029 R RRU
02310EML XRRU V3,GSM Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX1805-1865MHz/RX1710-1770MHz,-48VDC,5G,2T2R,With Installation Kit) RRU3029 R RRU
02310HFY RRU3926,WD5MJRUC88CB,MRRU V3,Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX930-955MHz/RX885-910MHz,-48VDC,5G,1T2R,With Installation Kit) RRU3926 R RRU
02310HGA RRU3926,WD5MJRUC88BB,MRRU V3,Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX935-960MHz/RX890-915MHz,-48VDC,5G,1T2R,With Installation Kit) RRU3926 R RRU
02310HFW RRU3926 for Multi-mode 900MHz EGSM RRU3926 R RRU
02310HGB RRU3926,WD5MJRUC83DB,MRRU V3,Multi-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit(TX1805-1865MHz/RX1710-1770MHz,-48VDC,5G,1T2R,With Installation Kit) RRU3926 R RRU
02310HFX RRU3926 for Multi-mode 1800MHz RRU3926 R RRU
02310JQB RRU3926 for Multi-mode 900MHz PGSM RRU3926 R RRU
02310CYU RRU3942 for Multi-Mode 1900MHz RRU3942 R RRU
02310DFJ LRRU V3,Single-mode Multi-carriers Remote Radio Unit RRU3229 R RRU
02310FVY RRU for AWS (4T4R, 2*60W/4*30W) RRU3841 R RRU
02310HVK AC/DC Power Mould AC/DC power module R RRU
02230HBF SPM60M HVDC surge protection box DC Surge Protection Box R RRU
03020FED Universal E1/T1 Lighting Protection unit UELP A SLPU
03020FQG Universal FE Lighting Protection unit UFLP A SLPU
03021EDJ Universial FE or GE Lighting Protection Unit UFLPb A SLPU
03029889 Lightning Protection Board USLP A SLPU
25030671 Electronic and Electric Power Cable,300V,UL2464,3.3mm^2,2*12AWG,Black Jacket (Cores: Blue,Black),OutDoors Cable With Braiding,Only For OEM RRU Power Cable A Cables
25030749 Electronic and Electric Power Cable,300V,UL2464,2*8AWG,Black Jacket(Two cores are Blue and Black),56A,Shielded Style Outdoor Cable RRU Power Cable A Cables
25030581 Power Cable,600V/1000V,ROV-K,4mm^2,Black Jacket(The Color Of Core Is Blue And Brown),36A,Shielded Style Outdoor Cable RRU Power Cable A Cables
25030726 Power Cable,600V/1000V, N2XC2Y,4mm^2,Black Jacket(The Color Of Core Is Blue And Brown),36A,LSZH Shielded Style Outdoor Cable RRU Power Cable A Cables
25030674 Power Cable,600V/1000V,ROV-K,6mm^2,Black (Two cores: Blue And Brown),46A,Shielded Style Outdoor Cable RRU Power Cable A Cables
25030747 Power Cable,600V/1000V,ROV-K,10mm^2,Black Jacket(Two cores are Blue And Brown),63A, Shielded Style Outdoor Cable RRU Power Cable A Cables
04150051 Power Cable,0.7m,D3F-2S, H07Z-K-1.5^2BL+H07Z-K-1.5^2B,2*OT1-4,LSZH BBU Power Cable A Cables
04150193 Power Cable,0.5m,D3F-2S,H07Z-K-1.5^2BL+H07Z-K-1.5^2B,PS2F,LSZH BBU Power Cable A Cables
04120002 Trunk Cable, 10m, 75ohm, 4E1, 2.2mm, D26M(3ROW), SYFVZP75-1.2/0.25*8(S) E1/T1 Cable A Cables
04120022 Trunk Cable,10m,120ohm, 4E1,0.5mm,D26M (3ROW), 120CC8P0.5P430U(S)-II,LSZH E1/T1 Cable A Cables
04070113 Signal Cable, 1.2m, D25M, CC8P0.48B(S)-I, D26M(3ROW), LSZH E1/T1 Surge Protection Transfer Cable A Cables
04046009 Single Cable, Shielding Straight Through Cable, 1.00m, MP8-IV, CC4P0.5P430U(S), MP8-IV, LSZH FE/GE Surge Protection Transfer Cable A Cables
04070099 Signal Cable,Shielded Straight Through Cable,10m,MP8-IV,CC4P0.5PB(S),MP8-IV,Outdoor Cable FE/GE Cable A Cables
04070012 Signal Cable,Shielded Straight Through Cable,10m,MP8-II,CC4P0.5GY(S),MP8-II,FTP FE/GE Cable A Cables
14130505 Optical Cable Assembly,DLC/UPC, 2FC/UPC,Single-mode,GYFJH 2B1.3(LSZH),20m,7.0mm,2 Cores,0.34m/0.8m,2mm,Outdoor Protected Branch Cable FE/GE Optical Cable A Cables
14130618 Optical Cable Assembly, DLC/PC, DLC/PC, Multi-mode, GYFJH 2A1a(LSZH), 30m, 7.0mm, 2 Cores, 0.03m/0.34m, 2mm, Outdoor Protected Branch Cable Optical Cable A Cables
14130818 Optical Cable Assembly,DLC/PC, DLC/PC,Multi-mode(OM3), GYFJH 2A1a(LSZH),10m,7.0mm, 2 Cores,0.34m/0.34m,2mm, Outdoor Protected Branch Cable,UL Certification CPRI Optical Cable A Cables
04080025 Monitor and Alarm Cable, External Alarm Cable, 5m, D15M-I, CC4P0.5PB(S), 8*T0.252B Alarm Cable of the RRU A Cables
04045658 Single Cable, External connect RF Cable, 2m, D2F+D4-50SF+D4-50SM+D9PS(W), 2*RG316-50-1.5/0.5BR, D2F+D4-50SF+D4-50SM+D9PS(W), RRU3801C Interconnect Jumper of the RRU A Cables
04130065 RF Cable,2m,DIN50SM-II,COAX50-8.7/3.55,DIN50SM-II,1/2 Inch Superflexible Jumper RF Jumper A Cables
04130066 RF Cable, 3m, DIN50SM-II, COAX50-8.7/3.55,DIN50SM-II, 1/2 Inch Superflexible Jumper RF Jumper A Cables
14040150 Coaxial Connector, N, 50ohm, Straight/Male, for 1/2″ superflexible feeder cable Connector for the RF Cable A Cables
14040222 Coaxial Connector, 7/16 DIN, 50ohm, Straight/Connector, Female, With RFF 1/2 Inch-50, Silver Plated Connector for the RF Cable A Cables
02314551 Outdoor Environment Monitoring Extension Unit EMUA A Auxiliaries
02237276 Embedded Environment Monitoring Unit EMUA A Auxiliaries
21120291 Grounding Unit Ground Bar A Auxiliaries
21170210 Outdoor Grounding Unit Ground Bar A Auxiliaries

Huawei 02310CGS RRU3828 2100Mhz
Huawei DBS3900 Spare parts list for sale